This Must Be My Dream

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Sebastian's POV

The air was peaceful, the only noise I could hear was the faint bustling of cars in traffic from the street below above gentle breathing next to me. The morning sun shone through the curtains, painting part of the room in a warm golden glow. Shifting a bit on my side, I felt the arm around my waist pull me closer as I came face to face with a sleeping beauty. My sleeping beauty. 

It's only been a week since the two of us moved into an apartment together in New York, but every time I wake up next to Hunter it feels almost like a dream. We've had a lot of fun so far behind these walls and I couldn't be happier. I also feel like we're still teenagers having a sleepover at times, but did you really expect us to become mature adults just like that? 

Now that we live together, we've learned some things about the other that you only really learn once you share living quarters. Things like Hunter is really hard to wake up at times, I sometimes take a little too long in the bathroom, both of us are bad when it comes to doing laundry on time, Hunter can actually cook while I burn everything but bread, as well as Hunter can be a bit.....clingy. I don't exactly mind that he likes to cuddle and stuff, but I guess I just didn't expect it from him. After all he is a really good hugger.

Knowing Hunter is still trying to sleep some more, I decided to get a bit comfier since trying to get out of his grasp isn't the easiest. I rolled over so that I was straddling him and snaked my arms around his back while I rested my head on his chest. Much better. He didn't seem to mind the change in position, so we stayed like this for a good while before I felt him shift a bit under me.

"Mmmm....heyyyy...." He mumbled out as he stroked my back a bit. Looking up at him, I saw his eyes half open as he gave me a lazy smile. God he's adorable.

"Good morning ya gremlin." I said as I shimmied a bit up so I was in front of his face.

"Gremlinn? Thass not niceee....." He said in his low morning voice that honestly I find pretty hot.

I decided to apologize by giving him a good morning kiss. He didn't seem to mind as he didn't hesitate to kiss me back. It was slow and gentle, but it felt just as good as all the other times. I didn't even care about his morning breath as I kissed him a bit deeper, this time moving my hands over his chest. As I did so, I felt his hands travel down my sides as one stopped at my hip while the other went further. I was surprised when I grabbed my ass a bit, as he usually doesn't take the initiative that often. Especially not this quickly into our make out sessions.

"Someone's a bit needy today..." I whispered into his ear as I could almost feel the heat rising in his cheeks.

"S-shut up....." He said back as he proceeded to shut me up by putting his mouth on my neck.

It didn't take him long at all to find the spot that feels real good. Of course he knows exactly how to suck at it in order to make me moan. I could even feel him smiling against my neck as I did, making him just suck harder. I decided I needed to get back at him, so I grinded my hips hard against him, knowing that he'd be more sensitive given that fact we're both in just our underwear.

"F-fuck.......Seb." He moaned out as he turned his head to look at me while grinding back just as hard. It was clear from both our faces that both of us were already quite turned on, and the grinding wasn't helping get rid of that.

It's not like we haven't had a bit of that kind of fun every other day, but I wasn't exactly feeling up to that today. It's not like I wasn't excited in that sense, but it's a weird feeling that I can't exactly put into words. I guess I'm still a bit weird about intimacy at times because of my past, even when Hunter makes me feel all kinds of good. I've even talked about it with him, and I'm glad he understands. Or he at least tries his best and just the act of trying to do so is good enough for me. Maybe that's why I love him so much.

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