If You're Too Shy (Let Me Know)

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Sebastian's POV

Today was one of those days where it seems oddly long and you just want it to be over already, but you have to wait. I've had a lot to do today with my classes and such, making me feel in a meh mood. Though I've felt worse before, so it didn't bother me too much. Everything just went by in a blur and I didn't talk to many people. All I wanted to do was for my last class to be over so I could relax in Hunter's arms on our couch as we watched trash TV and ate pizza.

It was almost as if the universe could hear my thoughts, as my teacher ended up letting us go early. I wasn't sure of the reason why, but once I heard the words "class dismissed", I basically bolted up from my chair and out the door. It was weird that I felt energized now after feeling tired all day, but maybe my tiredness was actually just boredom. Oh well, at least the day is over.

As I was on my way home I casually looked around the streets of my usual route, but noticed some things were different. I observed the people around me, noticing more flowers and balloons and couples holding hands. Then it hit me.

Today is Valentine's Day........and I totally forgot about it.

Goddamnit Sebastian Smythe how could you forget one of your favorite holidays? Yes, I actually love Valentine's Day even if I may not admit it out loud. Now I feel bad that I didn't plan anything, like I should do something.....right? Thankfully there was a store open nearby that had some boxes of chocolates and flowers, so I grabbed the first box I saw and some simple red roses. That should be good......I think. I have no idea what Hunter is going to do since I haven't heard from him all day, but we don't really call or text each other while in class. Obviously we're good students who pay attention.

As I got to the door of our apartment, I took a deep breath before opening it. Hopefully Hunter won't realize that I almost forgot. Though once I opened the door I was met with a peculiar sight.

Hunter was shirtless while he frantically put a pan over the pan he was just using. Looking around I also noticed a broken plate on the floor and a burnt shirt and apron on the table.

"Good evening..." I said, making him turn towards me with terror in his eyes.

"Y-you're home early....." He said as he just stood there all frozen and awkward before apologizing for everything.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked as I closed the door behind me and walked a bit closer to him.

"C-cause I tried to make a romantic dinner b-but almost burned the kitchen down and now you're home early so I can't hide it and I also forgot flowers and-"

"Hunter it's ok. Calm down." I told him as I held up the box of chocolates and roses I bought earlier. Upon seeing them and my expression on my face, he finally calmed down a bit.

"If it makes you feel any better......I forgot about today until I was walking home. Good thing a store was open and had what I needed." I said, laughing a bit as I placed what I had on the table.

"Ok......that does make me feel better actually." Hunter said as he went to throw out the burnt food he was trying to cook.

"What were you making?" I asked as I leaned down to pick up the broken plate pieces. I'm usually the clumsy one, so I know how to clean up this kind of stuff. 

"Chicken Parmin however ya say it.....guess I don't know how to fry chicken properly without creating a volcano....." Hunter said as he pouted a bit while throwing out the burnt clothes. I was a bit sad the apron was burnt, but we can always buy another. 

"Wellllll maybe some chocolate will help fix the damage." I suggested and Hunter seemed to like that idea as he went to go put on a shirt that wasn't you know......burnt.

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