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Hunter's POV

Time seems to go by fast when you're not thinking about it, and before I knew it Christmas break was already here. Not much has really happened this December, it's been pretty quiet, so it makes sense why the month went by in a blur. Classes have been ok for both of us, not too hard but not too easy. Overall, our classes have just been tiring and at the end of the day all we want to do is go to bed and sleep. Though we're ok with it and know that just being there with each other is enough.  

Today is different though, as it's the day we catch a flight back to my hometown in Colorado. I'm totally looking forward to spending Christmas with my family and introducing Sebastian to everyone.........ok maybe I'm a bit nervous, but who wouldn't be? I guess I was being pretty quiet most of the time, as when we were finally in the air in the plane, Sebastian said something.

"Hey.....you alright?" He said as he tugged on my sleeve to get my attention.

"Oh uhh yeah......just tired."

"Hey Hunter.......can I ask you something?" He asked me as he rested his hand on mine.

"Uhh sure."

"Why haven't you told me about where you're from?" He asked and I was confused.

"Of course I have........haven't I?"

"You've told me about Colorado in general, but not your hometown. I don't even know the name of it." He said and I had to admit that he had a point. 

"It's called Lake City."

"Never heard of it......but it sounds kind of generic." He said and I agreed.

"Yeah it's your generic small town in the middle of nowhere and if I didn't grow up there I probably wouldn't know it even existed." I told him and he looked a bit interested at that.

"So you're from a small town. Like do you only have a single gas station and every store is family businesses or something?" He asked and I honestly nodded.

"Yeah......we also don't have traffic lights." I said and he gave me a look.

"You're joking.......right?"

"I wish I was. That's why people always speed." I joked but he still looked shocked.

"So uhhh if it's small then how many people live there?" He asked after a moment.

"Hmmmm I wanna say roughly.......400?" I told him but he looked even more shocked. Knowing that he grew up in Westerville, Ohio which easily has thousands of people or something.......his reaction is quite understandable.

"I'm assuming everyone in your town knows everyone.......right?"

"Uhhh yes and no."

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, tilting his head a bit which was kind of cute.

"Well even in small towns there are separate groups or cliques. Of course gossip spreads easily, but it depends on who has the information first." I explained and he seemed to understand before asking me if I knew any good gossip from my town.

"Eh nothing too wild.........well there are some crazy stories about high schoolers getting in trouble as well as the raccoon gang."

"Are they actual raccoons?" Sebastian jokingly asked before I sadly nodded.

"I shouldn't be surprised......should I?" He asked but I just said to go ahead. I'm sure some of the stories from my hometown will sound weird to outsiders since the context is a bit distorted and such. 

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