Love Is Love

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Hunter's POV

"Did you really like our show?" Sebastian asked. I was a bit surprised he asked that, but it was a legitimate question.

"Of course I did. I always love watching you dance and Jeff's magic was pretty cool."

"Yeah I know but......" 

"But what?" I asked before giving his shoulder a quick kiss.

"I know you like drag shows,'s different when someone you know does it....."

"How so?"

"It's's weird......isn't it?" He asked as he looked down a bit. Does he think I think I don't like him in drag?

"Seb..." I said as I turned him around to face me.

"I thought you seemed a bit off when Jeff revealed the I was right?" I asked and he nodded a bit.

"Well then please just tell me what's wrong. I won't judge you or anything. I'll be a quiet and honest listener. I promise." I told him and he looked at me for a moment, taking it in before slowly dragging me to the bed so that we could sit down.

"I....I thought you would think I'm too gay for you." He started off, but I gestured for him to continue.

"That I'd be weird for wanting to wear a dress and makeup. That me dressing like a girl would be different than watching a drag show at a club." He said as he played with the fabric at the end of his skirt a bit.

"I know you don't do or like many stereotypically gay stuff......but I do......and I feel that by doing them you'd be freaked out or disgusted or uncomfortable. That it would ruin our relationship or something....." He said, but I had to stop him for a moment by putting a hand on his knee.

"I would never be disgusted by you. That's a fact. Also....if I ever felt uncomfortable about something then I'd tell you. That doesn't mean I'd keep you from doing things you personally enjoy. We don't always have to like the same things."

"Really? You don't mind that I like wearing all this? You don't think I look......weird?" He asked and I shook my head.

"And while I may not do a lot of stereotypically gay stuff, it doesn't mean I'm not open to try new things. Like it was kind of fun wearing a dress and being all warrior princess like." I said, reassuring him with a smile.

"So you don't think all of it was too much?" He asked and I shook my head.

"And you're sure I don't look weird?" He asked again and I said no.

"Seb.....I think you're forgetting one thing."


"That I love you no matter what." I said and he looked like a bit of relief hit him.

"I do have to ask you something.....something that I've had on my mind today." I asked and he just nodded to let me continue.

"You don't feel the need to dress like this to keep up with me or please you?"

"What do you mean by that?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I'm bi.....I'm attracted to both men and women. So what I meant was that you don't feel like you need to dress like this to keep me you?" 

"No.......but I didn't think about it like that.......should I?" He asked back but I shook my head.

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to hold you back if you do like women like that....." He said as I took his hand in mine.

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