Good Old Days

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Sebastian's POV

I can't believe it's almost Halloween. It's also the first Halloween where I'm an adult. It's still a bit weird to think that since I don't really feel any different at 18 then I did when I was 16 or 17. I know I've changed a lot as a person, but come on........I'm still basically a child but with more adult like responsibilities. I can't even grow a proper beard. Well......I haven't tried to at least. Wonder what Hunter would look like with facial hair. 

This Halloween was going to be different. There will be no trick or treating, sadly, as well as I can't help but remember last year. Last year on Halloween I invited the Warblers to party at my house and my dad came home being all upset at me. Nowadays, my dad is the complete opposite. He's proud of me and is totally accepting of my sexuality.......I kind of miss him to be honest. It's not like I haven't kept in touch with him since I moved to New York, I've just been a bit busy. I can only assume he's busy as well being a state's attorney and such. His work is very important.

Today was just one of those days where you can't help but miss someone, and today that someone was my dad. While I usually just relax and have some alone time during my break, I decided I'd give him a call instead. I knew he usually has lunch around this hour anyways, so chances are I wouldn't be annoying him.......much.

As I heard the dial tones for a while I almost thought about giving up, but at the last minute I heard him pick up.

"Hey how's it going?" I heard him say over the phone and it felt good to hear his voice again.

"Oh.....ya know. Boring." I joked and he agreed with me.

"Any reason for the call?" He asked.

"No.....not really. Guess I just.......missed you."

"I miss you too. I know it's hard to adjust to a new place. You haven't told me much about your time in New York and college and such......." He rambled on, asking me to spill the tea like the kids say. Sometimes I just can't with him.

"Ummm NYADA is a lot, but I'm doing well. New York is busy and loud, but at least it's never boring." I told him, but then he asked me about Hunter.

"What about him?" I asked.

" are you two doing? Moving in together can be a lot too. Nothing bad has happened......has it?" He asked and even though the issues with me and Hunter have passed, it still felt a bit weird to talk about with my dad. I told him anyway since I know he cares.

"Umm......we actually got into a fight once. Hunter left for almost 2 weeks." 

"Oh no.......what happened?" He asked and I told him I didn't want to discuss the details.

"I understand, but you two are good now.....right?"

"Yeah we made up. Turns out talking through things helps.....who knew?" I joked a bit at the end to show that I wasn't upset about it. Which I wasn't. It was just a bit weird to bring that up again.

"I'm glad. You two are good for each other and I'd be pretty sad if you broke up." 

"You say that as if you ship us like fictional characters...."

"Whatttt can't I be supportive like that?" He asked back and I couldn't help but laugh. Once we started having a better relationship like this, I noticed he's been a bit extra. I'm not complaining, but it's still a bit different to get used to. Maybe I got my sassy side from him.

"Whatever.......what about you? How's your love life going?"

"W-what? Uhhh why do you ask?"

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