This Is The Day

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Sebastian's POV

As I waved goodbye to Hunter on that street corner, I felt a bit bad. I know I should feel excited since it was my first day at NYADA, but I felt weird being separated from him like this. I still can't believe I actually got in to be honest, but it was true. Today was the day. My first day.

Walking down the street, I saw all kinds of people going about their day. It made me wonder how many of them have reached their goals and dreams and how many let them go because of the harsh reality of life. I shouldn't get too depressed this early, so I tried to keep my head up as I carried on my way. As I approached NYADA, I could tell I was in for an adventure. Not sure what kind of adventure yet, but I guess I'll soon find out.

As I walked in the hallways, I could just smell the seriousness of the school. I don't usually get intimidated by competition, but I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. I got this though. At least I think I do. 

I finally made my way to my first class of the day, only to realize I was a bit late. Greattttttt this is just what I needed on my first day. As I walked into the class, everyone turned to look at me as they all stopped warming up for dance practice. It was surprisingly quiet and I swear everyone could probably hear my heartbeat.

"What are you doing?" I heard a somewhat harsh voice ask from my left. Turning to it, I saw a blonde lady looking like I personally offended her or something.

"Uhhh t-this is my class sooo-"

"No. This is my class. As a student, you should be prepared. That includes coming to class on time." She interrupted me with little remorse, eyeing me up and down for some odd reason.

"I-i'm sorry miss I swear it won't happen-"

"It better not. Now shut up and get in line." She butted in once again and pointed to the line of students stretching at the bars. I didn't hesitate to listen to her, but as I walked over I could feel everyone's eyes on me and I didn't like it.

The actual class was just as passive aggressive, and my instructor who I learned was Ms. Cassandra July, didn't hold back on commenting on our poor form. I thought I was a good dancer before I came here, but her feedback made me feel otherwise. She constantly belittled her students on pretty much everything, such as talking amongst ourselves or checking our phones even during breaks. She worked all of us extremely hard and after class had ended I felt like I strained muscles I didn't even know I had in the first place. It was exhausting both physically and mentally. I can't believe I had 2 more classes today when I already want to go back to bed at 11 am.

Hauling my bag over my shoulder, I made my way down the hall in search of somewhere to obtain some coffee. God knows I need it to get through the rest of the day. Can't believe I forgot to make some for breakfast. Thankfully, there was a small coffee stand in the main area of the building and I was able to get something that didn't taste completely bad. I've had better though. In the end of the day, coffee is coffee.

My next class started somewhat soon, at noon, but I didn't want to be late again after what happened earlier. I wasn't exactly paying attention as I walked down the hall, but I thought I passed by some familiar looking faces. I thought I was just seeing things, but after I heard my name being called out a moment later I knew it was real.


Turning around, I saw both Rachel and Kurt staring back at me. I was a bit surprised at first, but then I remembered that they go here so I should have expected to run into them eventually.

"What are you doing here?" Rachel asked with a hand on her hip and honestly I was too tired to deal with her attitude.

"Uhhh I go here?" 

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