Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time

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Sebastian's POV

Even though I wasn't in the best mood, Hunter had the right idea. Just because Kristina tried to ruin our relationship, it doesn't mean we can't enjoy the holidays. Maybe getting into the festive spirit will help me calm down a bit. 

Though I was surprised by Hunter's actions earlier and it honestly scared me. He always stops when I say stop or when I put my hands on his chest in a certain way, but this time it was almost as if he didn't notice I was there. I know he was going through a lot in his mind at the moment, but it still makes me feel a bit weird. At least now he's trying a bit more than usual to give me space and ask me before he does anything. I just wish it didn't have to be like this right now.

As we made our way down the stairs with Mr. Puss trailing behind us, we ran into Hunter's mom at the bottom. She looked happy but slightly concerned as she greeted us.

"Is everything ok?" She asked as Puss jumped into her arms.

"Yeah......why do you ask?" Hunter responded, as if nothing was wrong and I don't blame him for wanting to act like that.

"Well I saw you run outside earlier and you didn't come back for like an hour. I also know there was some issues with Kristina and I thought I heard yelling a bit ago?" She told us before looking at me with a worried smile and I realized what she was talking about.

"Oh yeah we had Basically uhh shit happened but it's all good now." I told her as I smiled slightly at Hunter, but was surprised by Sophie a moment later.

"Pay up mister!" She said as she held out her hand to me. I was honestly very confused.

"Why?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know the answer.

"You said a bad word and now ya need to put change in the swear jar." She explained like it was the usual around here, but I'm pretty sure other people have cursed in front of her while I've been here.

"She's joking, right? You guys don't actually have a swear you?" I asked Hunter and his mom and both of them just looked tired.

"Sophie.....stop trying to get money out of people." His mom told her before she gave up and ran off, probably to bother other people.

"'s good you two are ok now, but what about Kristina?" She asked after a moment. All I could do was shrug and look at Hunter for an answer.

"To be honest.......I don't know. I don't really want to talk with her again today though." Hunter said and his mom seemed to understand.

"Ok well how about you guys help me with dinner?" She offered and that helped bring a smile to Hunter's face.

"You want my help too?" I asked.

" there a reason I shouldn't?" She asked, but Hunter interrupted before I could say anything.

"He can prep things but don't ask him to cook anything or you'll regret it." He said with a smirk which made me hit him on the arm. It wasn't a hard hit, just hard enough to get my emotions across.

"Ok........prepping for Sebastian it is."

Once we were in the kitchen, it was actually pretty fun. It was nice to cook with Hunter, as it reminded me of being back in our apartment. I started to feel more relaxed and I got to know Hunter's Grandma some more. Turns out she's pretty damn cool in more ways than one, like she used to be a cowgirl? Like an actual cowgirl who rides horses and uses a that's pretty awesome. It didn't take long for dinner to be ready, and once the table was set and everyone was gathered, it all seemed pretty chill.

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