It's Not Living (If It's Not With You)

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Hunter's POV

It's surreal to think that a few years ago my life was completely different, as well as my outlook on my future as well. At one point I didn't even think I had one, but here I am living the dream. I graduated both high school and college, I'm a somewhat successful actor (still a work in progress like always), and I'm happily married to the love of my life. It's been a little over a year since we exchanged vows on that beautiful summer day, but it feels like it was almost yesterday.

Sebastian makes everyday worth it. He's the reason I wake up with a smile on my face and the energy to handle what life throws at me. I can't believe we even own a house together in the suburbs at this point, but we knew we couldn't stay in that slightly questionable apartment in the middle of the city forever. Before we moved out we found out there was a family of mice living in our main area, something which I can't believe we didn't notice all that time. Guess mice are just quiet.

Married life has so far been treating us well and our love and passion is still going strong. After all we've been through, we don't let the little things get to us and make time out of our schedules to spend together. It's not like we have a schedule for intimacy, but it actually isn't a bad thing anyway. Guess it's also nice to have the higher level of privacy in a home compared to a thin walled apartment. 

Speaking of owning a house, we've been slowly making it feel like a real home. Though I can't help but feel like something is missing. I've been meaning to talk to Sebastian about it, and thankfully he's getting a break from work for a while starting this weekend which means that today would be a great time.

I was almost finished making dinner as I heard the front door open and close before I saw Sebastian walk into the kitchen. 

"Hey cutie. Welcome home." I said as I turned off the stove as the food was pretty much done cooking, just needed to be served properly. 

"Right back at ya......whatcha making?" He asked as I saw him hanging up his coat in the hall before walking over to the counter.

"Pasta. Nothing special, but you know." I told him as he nodded, then moving to get us some plates. Didn't take long for the food to be plated and we both went to the table to eat.

Like usual we chatted about our day, but eventually I had to ask him what was on my mind.

"Sebastian." I said and he looked at me with slight concern since I usually never say his full name unless I was serious.


"You're happy.....right? Like with us." I asked and he looked at me for a moment before nodding.

"Of course I am.....are you?" He asked back and I didn't hesitate to nod my head.

"I am, but.....have you ever wanted......more?" I asked and he looked like he wasn't getting the point.

"Well I was wondering if........if we should talk" I said, focusing more on my food as I said the last part. Like I've wanted kids for a while now and I know Sebastian likes kids too, but actually talking about it and making it real is another thing. 


"What do you mean by oh?" I asked, looking up now since I wasn't expecting that answer.

"I was just surprised. We haven't talked about it so you know....." He said and I could understand.

"Do you want kids? Like I know you like them but raising them is another thing." I told him and he nodded a bit before answering.

"Of course I want to raise kids with you." He said and I couldn't help but smile knowing he was ok with this. 

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