Club Can't Handle Me

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Hunter's POV

Ever since Valentine's Day we have been closer than ever. Maybe it's because we're finally more on the same page about intimacy since Sebastian is finally comfortable enough around me like that again. We still give each other space though and can keep our hands to ourselves most of the time. Like it's clear that we love each other, but we're fine with just being casual about it. I guess we've just gotten to a point in our relationship that we're ok with independence? 

Basically, we're fine with not spending every second together. We may live together, but we still have our own lives. I'm just glad that we are comfortable with being open about certain things nowadays, making our alone time less tense and more natural. Of course I've made a note of all the things that Tristan did to Seb that made him uncomfortable so that I don't accidentally trigger him when we get into more intimate situations. I know how important that is.

He's recently been able to talk to me more openly about those bad times too, and I'm proud of him for slowly being able to move on from it all. I know talking about those kind of things isn't easy to do, so whenever he does I make sure to be patient and let him speak without butting in. We've also brought up the possibility of informing his father about Tristan raping him, as that could extend his sentence, but Seb told me he'd rather just not deal with it. As much as I want Tristan to face the consequences, I understand why Seb wants to keep it out of sight and out of mind after all he's been through. He deserves to be able to relax and live his life without having that plague his mind more than it already has.

Currently it was a Monday afternoon and I was relaxing on the couch with a book while Sebastian was at the kitchen table typing away on his laptop. I was a bit lost in thought as I read, but the slamming of a laptop close brought me out of it. Looking over at Seb, I saw he looked tired as he let out a heavy sigh. Must have been doing schoolwork and not the fun kind. Then again, when is schoolwork fun?

"Is something wrong?" I asked after seeing his frustration.

"I hate analyzing Shakespeare." He said as he sat back in his chair and crossing his arms. I couldn't help but smile a bit as I saw him pouting about it.

"Want me to help?" I offered, but he told me he actually just finished his assignment. He still wanted to complain about it though. Fair enough.

"Ah I see.......wanna join me?" I suggested and he didn't hesitate to get up and practically fall on top of me as I was lying lengthwise on the couch. I threw my book onto the coffee table as I patted his back. Not like I was going to get any more reading done with him crushing me. Ok, I'm joking since he's not that heavy, but you know.

"There there. Shakespeare can't hurt you now." I joked as he propped his chin on my chest to look at me.

"How's your work going?" He asked, running a hand gently through my hair which felt nice.

"Welllll it's done and that's all that matters to me right now." I told him honestly as I stroked up and down his back.

"I want the week to be over already....." He said with that cute pout of his again. 

"I feel that....." I said before I remembered something important.

"Your birthday is this Saturday.......have any plans in mind?" I asked him. I honestly had no idea what to do or what to get for his birthday, so it wouldn't hurt to ask......right?

"Hmmmmm.........I dunno. Turning 19 isn't that special."

"True, but you must wanna do or get something.....right?"

"Not really. I'm pretty happy with everything.......just no Shakespeare books." He joked at the end, making us both laugh a bit. I was happy that he was happy, but I still felt like we should celebrate at least a little. 

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