The Morning After

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Hunter's POV

As I opened my eyes it felt like my head wanted to explode and my entire body ached. As my eyes adjusted to the light filling the room, I noticed I was on top of the sheets in just my underwear. Turning to my left I saw Sebastian next to me in the same fashion. My head was a bit hazy, but memories slowly started coming back to me. I remember bits and pieces of the party. I also remember drinking for once. I got I actually got drunk. God what did I even do?

I saw Seb shift a bit, but stayed pretty much in the same position on his back. As I stared at him for a bit, I saw his eyes start to open and squint just like I did when I first opened them. Once his eyes were fully adjusted, I turned onto my side so I could see him better.

"Good morning..." I said as he turned his head to look at me.

"Good morning." He said back as he gave me a tired smile.

"Last was wild, wasn't it?" I asked him and he looked like he was thinking for a bit before he remembered something.

"Y-yeah.......ummmmmm....." He said as he looked at me, getting weirdly red in the face.

"What?" I asked.

"What.....what do you remember?" He asked back. I gave it some thought before telling him I remember the games, dancing, drinking, maybe taking a cab back here.....but that was kind of it.

" don't remember when we got home?" He asked and taking a good look at the redness on his cheeks and realizing we both were in our finally clicked.

"D-did......did it?" I asked him before he slowly nodded. 

I tried my hardest to think about it, but I still only got bits and pieces. I think I remember taking his clothes off in the kitchen before kissing him all the way to the bedroom. After that my mind just went blank. After telling him this I could see he got a bit nervous and a thought crossed my mind.



"Did.....did I......take advantage of you?" I asked and he was just quiet as he looked down a bit.

"Sebastian.....please. I need to know." I asked him again, but gently.

" uhhhh....."

"But what?" I asked and he got even redder.

"T-there's......a reason I uhhh don't drink much......anymore...." He said and I gave him the time he needed to explain.

"I uhhh........I asked you to fuck me." He said, looking at me in the eyes with.....shame. I gently placed my hand on his cheek, stroking it with my thumb.

"Hey....don't be ashamed. It happens. I'm.....I'm assuming I did that you asked......right?" I asked and he nodded. Then I remembered even after I got a bit more passionate at the end of our first time together that he was pretty sore for the day after. 

" hard did I fuck you?" I asked, hoping he was ok.

".......pretty hard.....but you were drunk.......I was drunk.....sooo...." He said but I told him that's not an excuse and asked if he's ok. He just stared at me for a moment in silence.

"Uhhh I haven't tried to move sooooo......guess I'll find out?" He told me before he tried to sit up. 

As he got up, he only made it halfway before I saw him noticeably wince in pain. I told him to lie back down, but he said he needed to pee anyways. Walking over to his side of the bed, I offered my hands to help him up. As I lifted him to his feet I saw his expression change from pain to surprise or maybe......uncomfortable? Not sure what it was so I asked him.

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