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Hunter's POV

It's already been about 2 and a half weeks into the fall semester, and the two of us have somewhat of a schedule down. I'm a bit sad that we don't get to spend that much time together during the day due to our class times, but I've noticed Sebastian seems a bit off when he's around me in the evening anyways. I don't think I did anything wrong, but he's been distancing himself from me whenever he can. We don't really kiss much or anything anymore, the most intimate being cuddling a bit at night but we sleep mostly during that time. I get it that Seb is tired from his classes, as they work him pretty hard at NYADA, but my anxious brain makes me feel like something is my fault.

It was currently nighttime, but I wasn't that tired, so I was just staring at Seb as he slept next to me. He basically passed out pretty soon after he got home today, but I remembered that his dance instructor has recently been making them do twice the usual amount of practice. I guess she's just been in a mood lately, and I honestly feel bad for all her students especially Seb. From what I've heard, she doesn't really like at all.

I laid beside him on my side, not touching him, but close enough. He laid on his stomach, but his head was turned to me. He might be an exhausted wreck, but he still looked quite beautiful to me. I hesitantly reached out my hand to run it through his hair, getting a soft and tired moan from him in response. I continued doing so, until we were both rudely shocked by loud music coming from the wall behind us. I felt bad that Sebastian woke up since I know he really needs his rest.

"W-wh....what? Uhhh?" He was totally confused as he looked at me a bit scared.

"I think it's coming from the people behind us. Want me to check it out?" I told him loud enough so he could hear me over the music. He took a moment to come back to real life before he shook his head and tried to get up.

"I'm....coming......wanna know......who....the.....fuck.......they are." He said as he pulled on a hoodie and started walking out of the room. 

I quickly followed him and we made our way around the corner of the hall, since they weren't right next door. The longer journey definitely made it more annoying, but we needed to complain. I think our complaints are pretty valid given that we both have class in the morning and need our sleep. I have no idea who would be playing loud ass club sounding music at this hour, but I guess we'll soon find out.

Once we got to their door, it was obvious we were at the right one. I was going to knock, but since Sebastian was obviously in a shit mood he knocked before I could. He knocked aggressively too, and honestly I understand. It took a moment, but finally some guy who looked pretty average answered the door.

"Hey, how's it going? I didn't know we were having guests." He said as he turned to a guy behind him who gave off quirkier vibes.

"We're not guests......we're your fucking neighbors." Seb said, looking like he could hurt them but was obviously too tired to do so.

"Hey no need to be rude. What's got ya friend in such a mood?" The guy behind him asked me, putting his hand on his hip like he could care less.

"Sorry, but we were sleeping until your music started playing and it's a bit loud." I told him, trying to be polite since maybe they weren't that bad.

"A bit? I felt the fucking wall shake. Some of us have class or work in the morning ya know?" Sebastian said, getting a bit more annoyed. I tried to put a hand on his shoulder to calm him, but that just seemed to annoy him more.

"You can always call in sick." The guy further in the apartment spoke up again and Seb looked like he was crazy for suggesting that. Before he could start yelling, I tried to butt in.

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