On Our Way

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Hunter's POV

It's been about a week since Sebastian told me about the whole situation with Josh and Becca and we only found out the other day that Becca is in fact pregnant. I was a bit surprised, but I understand that stuff like this happens. Becca is not exactly what I'd call a friend, but I thought it would be the nice thing to reach out to her as well. I told her that if she ever needs to talk to someone or needs something, then she can call me or Sebastian. I could tell from talking to her that this situation is affecting her a lot, probably more mentally than physically at this point, and I'm glad she accepted my offer.

Recently it seems like life has been going pretty fast and slow at the same time. Maybe that's just what being in college is like or what it's like to be in the adult world. I still can't process the fact that I am an adult now, especially when things get so overwhelming that I just wish I could crawl into a blanket fort or something. Inside the fort I'd be away from the dark demons that plague reality, but unfortunately that's not how life works. Thankfully, I don't have to face all that darkness on my own. I don't want others to be alone in this journey we all go through either. Even if they're Josh or Becca.

Though speaking of better and brighter things, Mister Adler is putting on NYU's production of Les Miserables. It's one of my favorite musicals of all time besides Bye Bye Birdie. Though as much as it excites me, it also intimidates me. It's a classic and I've never been apart of a production as fancy as that before.......actually I've never been in a play or musical before. I told Sebastian about my fears, but he somehow convinced me to go for it. He can be quite persuasive at times and depending on the situation it can either be a very good or a very bad thing. I ended up trying for the role of Marius, but I haven't heard back yet. 


As time went on, Josh has seemed like less of an asshole and even invited me and Sebastian to hang out today. From what Seb told me, Josh wants to try to make amends and try to be somewhat friends again. Sounds a bit unbelievable based on how he used to treat us, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I know from experience that people can change, so why should I forget about that now?

We were all going to explore the Central Park Zoo together and to be honest I was actually a bit excited. I've never been to this zoo before........actually I haven't been to any zoo in a long time. I think the last time I went to a zoo was when I was like 5 years old or something. Sebastian hasn't been to a zoo either in a long time, so we thought it couldn't hurt to go. As we approached the gate to the place, I spotted Josh and Becca. It didn't take long for me to notice they were actually holding hands for once. Kind of cute. Also I guess things are going ok between them.

After we paid for our tickets and got into the zoo, we discussed where we wanted to go first.

"Do they have any cats here?" I asked.

"Hmmm I see snow leopards on the map." Sebastian told me, pointing at the map he grabbed at the entrance.

"The aviary might be cool." Josh said but I quickly shook my head and told them to pick something else.

"What.......are you afraid of birds or something?" Becca asked, her hand on her hip.

"Uhhhh nooooo..........I just hate birds and they hate me back.......it's mutual."

"Hey they won't have seagulls in a zoo Hunter. You'll be fine." Seb told me as he patted my back. Not helping me feel any better though.

"I have a feeling there's a story behind that." Becca said, gesturing to us to tell her. I sighed in defeat, but let Sebastian tell the tale.

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