Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright

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Sebastian's POV

I heard my alarm go off, but all I wanted to do was snuggle deeper into the warmth of Hunter's chest.......so I did. Though not a moment later, he gently shook me in an attempt to wake me. I opened my eyes. giving him a certain annoyed look before rolling over to shut off the noise......only to roll back to my previous position.



"You should probably get up." He insisted but I just curled up against his chest some more, breathing in his comforting scent.

"I don't wanna....."

"If you get up.....I'll make you breakfast." He offered, and I couldn't help but be a bit intrigued. While I haven't been very hungry lately, mostly due to my emotions making me feel sick, I only now realized how hungry I kind of was. I couldn't help but look at him with curiosity and he instantly smiled at me.

"Come on. Today is gonna be ok....." He said, placing a hand on my cheek and stroking it with his thumb. Maybe he's right......maybe things will be different. I know it won't be easy, but at least I won't be alone. Then I remembered something about last night.



"Thanks for singing to me......it was really sweet." I told him as I smiled a bit. He's a good singer and it was nice to hear his voice again like that.

"To be honest.....I didn't know what else to do to make you feel better sooooo......."

"Well at least it worked......maybe not all the way......but it was a start. It was a good song choice too." I said, turning briefly to kiss his hand on my cheek.

"That's good.....though I did debate on singing that or All Star." He said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that, even if All Star would have worked really well too. Though that song didn't have a connection like the other did.

"Though I guess you're right about getting up.......I need a shower anyway." I said, messing up his hair before rolling away from him to get up. 

Morning showers are pretty refreshing and if I'm being honest......I haven't taken a shower in a while. I know that's bad, but I haven't been in a good state of mind lately, ok? I tried to clean myself the best I could, maybe thinking I'd wash away all my doubts and worries down the drain. I also made sure to brush my teeth and properly shave my face, something I haven't really done in a week. And while I didn't exactly mind the slight stubbly look, it did feel better to be all clean and fresh.

As I was getting dressed in the bedroom, I noticed something silvery peaking out from under our dresser. Being curious, I bent down and picked it up. I thought I lost this bracelet, the bracelet that Hunter got me for my 18th birthday. Rubbing my thumb over the metal part, I read it's phrase "Vouloir c'est pouvoir". If there's a will....there's a way. Can't believe I almost forgot about it. Feeling a bit of confidence from that, I decided to put it on as a sort of good luck charm.  

Once I was finally dressed, I made my way to the kitchen to see that Hunter had already finished making breakfast. I was also surprised to see that he made French toast, one of my favorite breakfast foods besides pancakes. It smelled really good and for once I felt like I had more of a proper appetite for it.

"Good morning beautiful." Hunter said as he came up to me to kiss my cheek, but before he could move away I quickly kissed him on the lips. They were nice and soft and it made me feel a bit more alive. I kind of needed it, even if I wouldn't say it out loud. Hunter was a little surprised, but happy nonetheless. 

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