Closing Time

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Sebastian's POV

In almost a blink of an eye, everything has changed. Time always passes fast when you're not thinking about it or when you're having fun and the past 4 years have been full of laughter and love with friends and family. Things have been going great, no more fights or terrible drama to ruin everything. Sometimes there were disagreements, but they were never serious enough to cause any lasting pain. 

College graduation was just a round the corner and part of me wanted to deny that it was actually within reach. I've loved every minute of the journey that came with it, even if some parts were more or less enjoyable, but in the end it just made me stronger and a better person to myself and others. It even gave me enough courage to go back and audition again for West Side Story, this time getting a callback instead of a quick rejection. Even if it's still unclear if I got the part yet, I'm ok if I don't. I'm still proud of my hard work paying off though.

Sadly, today was my last day working at the club and to my surprise they threw a little goodbye party for me. It was really sweet of them and over the years we all formed a real bond. In fact they were the ones who helped me gain the confidence to go out of my comfort zone and reach for opportunities I usually wouldn't have before. 

"You didn't have to do all this for me....." I said as we all sat in a booth of the empty club. I couldn't help but keep smiling at them as we chatted.

"Of course we had to. After all, we gays know how to party." Sinnamon said, giving me a casual wink. 

"I'm gonna miss you, you know?" Randy said, patting my back a bit. At first I was a bit nervous around him since he was my boss, but he's proven to be a really kind and caring man. In fact he sort of reminds me of my dad, but more fabulous. 

"It's not like I'm really leaving. I'll still be around, I just won't work here." I tried to reassure them. There's no way I'd just straight up abandon them. 

"We know.....but still. As amazing a performer you are, you're an even better person....and friend." Felicity said before Randy butted in.

"I also can't believe you're graduating college soon. Seems like just yesterday you were so young and innocent....."

"When have I been innocent?" I joked as they all laugh before Miss Puss spoke up.

"I'm gonna be sad not seeing your cute face all the time." She said as she patted my cheeks, making me smile. Even Sinnamon seemed a bit sad to see me go, even if they didn't say much about it.

I knew from the first day I started to work here that I wouldn't stay forever, but I guess I didn't know how many good memories would be tied to this place. Memories like the times I would dance and perform on stage as Sabrina or just hang out with my friends from the club or from school. Eventually Hunter got more comfortable with the club setting and he would often come to have fun. I'll never forget the time he brought Tyler with him and Tyler drunkenly confused me for his girlfriend. The only similarity was that we both had long purple hair. Can't believe he didn't notice I was clearly white when his girlfriend is Hispanic.......but I guess that's what it's like being drunk for him. In fact, he even gave me a 20 dollar tip and who am I to stop him.....right?

Speaking of getting drunk, when both me and Hunter were 21 we came here to properly celebrate and it was a wild time to say the least. While the night was fun.........the morning was not. We obviously regretted the massive hangovers we had, but I still thought it was worth it in the end. Though we made sure not to make that a habit. Only for birthdays and bank holidays of course.

"I'm going to miss all of you too." I said before we all came together for a group hug.


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