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Sebastian's POV

I felt the sun on my face as I tried my best to adjust my eyes to the light. Turning away from the window, I looked over at Hunter. He was a bit more sprawled out than usual, but hey it happens every now and then. He was lying on his back, but I felt his arm closest to me underneath my neck and I knew it must be asleep. Oops. 

The morning sun shining on his face was a beautiful sight to be honest, and he looked so peaceful. His hair was messy like usual, but I still thought it looked nice. He's perfect to me, both in looks and in his heart. God I just love him so much that I can't even put into words how much he means to me. Whenever I'm down he always brings me back up and honestly I don't know what or where I'd be without him.

Before I met him, I can't believe how low my standards were when it came to intimacy. I would just go to bed with anyone and not think too much about it. I was used and abused, never thinking love even existed. Now I can't even fathom the idea of just hooking up with any random somewhat attractive guy because I felt like getting off. Hunter makes me feel so much more in that sense and I'd never settle for anything else.

I could easily just watch him like this for hours, but I had to get up soon. Like usual I had an early class while Hunter had later classes today. I tried my best to very carefully get up without waking him, and I thankfully succeeded. I quietly walked to the bathroom to get ready and by the time I was back he had only shifted a bit. I could tell he was still asleep and since I knew he'd get colder without me, I pulled up the blankets so he'd be fully covered.

Before I officially left, I leaned down and kissed his forehead. Though as I pulled back up, I could see a smile on his face. 

Sweet dreams, my love.


Dance class was exhausting like usual, but at least my instructor hasn't been that incredibly difficult lately. I hope by thinking that I don't end up jinxing myself, but I guess we'll see. So far my day has seemed pretty uneventful, but I'm feeling good with the work I've been putting into my classes. It finally feels like I'm able to keep up with everything both physically and mentally and I feel an odd sense of confidence.

It's not like a cocky kind of confidence though, but more of a confidence from having a clearer head. Not exactly sure why I feel that way now, but I'll take that as a good sign. Everything at NYADA right now seems to be pretty quiet when it comes to drama, even Josh. He still hates my guts and that's very clear, but at least he doesn't try to engage with me. Timmy and Kent still talk with him, but it's a bit weird since they also talk and hang out with me at times too. Josh seems ok with it, as long as we stay separate and no one talks about gay shit with him. Fair enough I guess.

Since I have a bit of a break before my last class of the day, I decided to get some coffee like usual at the student hub. I probably drink too much coffee, but who doesn't nowadays? Well actually Hunter doesn't drink much coffee, but that's mostly because he chooses to stay away from addicting substances. Doesn't mean he can't enjoy some coffee now and then, but he makes sure not to make it a habit and I get that.

When I got my coffee and tried to look for a place to sit and relax for a while, I noticed Kurt sitting alone at a table. He seemed a bit off or something, as I usually see him chatting with others. I decided to go check him out and see if he was ok. 

"This seat taken?" I asked and he looked up surprised, but quickly shook his head. Taking that as an answer, I sat down across from him.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he looked confused or something.

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