Me & You Together Song

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Hunter's POV

I can't believe today is the day I'm marrying the love of my life. It been quite the journey with him these past 5 years together, and even though some moments were painful, I wouldn't change a thing. Through sorrow and struggle comes strength, which is something we know quite well by now. 

A happy day like today feels like it's a dream, that it's too good to be true. Growing up I never thought I was different from others, that I liked boys in that way, but here I am now. I think I knew I questioning my sexuality at the start of high school, but being able to be open about it seemed out of the question. At first I was a bit nervous about having the wedding in my home town because of that. Though after some simple persuasion from Sebastian, I realized that I shouldn't care what people think. Who cares if people talk about it? They should. I can't help but feel like I'm getting married there to spite them all.......though I can't deny it feels a bit good to do so.

The day was beautiful, the weather being slightly warm with a cool breeze and no rain in the forecast till later. Perfect for an outdoor ceremony. While we wanted the official ceremony to take place outside, we thought it would still be best to have the reception later inside the ski lodge. Thankfully they have a room we can use and were more than happy to let us have our wedding here. Apparently not many people choose the lodge for weddings, so they were a bit excited when we asked. I'm glad they were cool with me and Sebastian, unlike the fake smile priest.

As I was fully dressed in my suit, adjusting my bowtie in the mirror, Nick came up to me. He gave me a smile before adding the final touch, a red carnation in my blazer pocket. I'm not super into flowers, but I think red carnations symbolize sincere love and affection and that sounds good to me. 

"There. Now ya look perfect." Nick said and I couldn't help but smile back.

"How you feeling?" He asked a moment later and I honestly wasn't sure what to say.

"I dunno......tingly? In a good way."

"Ok......weird......but I understand." He gave me a look before just shaking his head.

The ceremony was about to start somewhat soon, so we decided to make our way to the outside area. As I approached, I saw my mom and she didn't hesitate to give me a big hug. I noticed she had some tears in her eyes.

"Mom it's ok. No need to cry." I told her but she lightly slapped my arm.

"My baby is getting married.....of course I'm going to be emotional." She told me and I understood. 

Pretty much everyone was here and seated, so it was finally time. I watched little Millie walk down the aisle basically throwing flower petals instead of gently tossing them, but that's Millie for you. Then came Nick and Jeff, who we made our best men as would be expected. Then it was finally my turn. 

My mom linked her arm in mine as she walked me down the aisle, but only halfway as we waited for a moment. Not too long after, I saw Sebastian and his dad making their way towards us. Thinking for a moment I realized that neither of us wear suits that often and Sebastian looked really good in his. Ours were pretty much the same, a black suit and bowtie with a red carnation corsage.  

Once they both reached us, Sebastian's dad gave me a hug while my mom hugged Sebastian before leaving us to walk down the rest of the aisle together. As we reached the end, we turned to look at each other while the officiant started the ceremony. I couldn't help but stare at Sebastian.....he was beautiful. It didn't take me long to have some tears in my eyes. 

"Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Hunter and Sebastian." The lady between us started off with, gesturing to us as she mentioned our names.

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