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Hunter's POV

This weekend was a bit crazy, but at least all of that chaos is over......for now. For being my first time in a club it was pretty interesting. I'm just surprised that all that drama happened to be honest. Maybe that's normal or something, but how would I know anyways. Meeting Thad there was definitely a surprise and I feel bad for him and all that he went through recently, yet in the end all three of us became friends again. You win some and you lose some or at least I think that's how the saying goes. My brain is all over the place to be honest and it probably shouldn't be like that when I need to be paying attention in class.

Speaking of class, Sociology to be specific, my teacher had an announcement for us.

"Now I know we don't have much of the semester left, so I decided on changing some things up." He started to say, making us all a bit curious and anxious what he was going to tell us next.

"I usually make my students take a final exam, but I thought to change that test into a group presentation instead." He continued and I could tell a good amount of my fellow classmates were not to happy with that idea. I wasn't really for or against it, as long as I can just get it done without too much struggle then I'll be content.

"So yes this presentation will count as your final grade and you'll be presenting them in the last week of the semester. You will be in groups of 4 people, so choose wisely." He finished before letting us all form groups and discuss project topics.

Now I'm not the most social person, as most of my friends are usually in similar groups as me or get to know me from a mutual friend. I also just tend to talk more when I find my settings more interesting and sociology was not particularly interesting sooooooo I haven't really talked to anyone in this class the whole semester. I could tell most people knew each other and had already formed groups while I was starting to get a bit anxious as I tried to look around and see if anyone needed another member. Though I was a bit surprised when I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya, but uhhh do you wanna join my group?" Some short girl asked. She was wearing clothes that made me think she likes hip hop or something, but she seemed somewhat friendly at least.

"Oh uhhh yeah. Thanks." 

"No problem." She said with a lop sided smile as I followed her to a corner of the room where another girl and guy were sitting and chatting.

"I found us our last member. You're welcome." She said as we all sat together now. The guy gave me one of those head nods that guys usually do, but not the guys I usually hang out with so I must have looked hella awkward for a moment. 

"I could have easily found him too......but thank you." The other girl said before we all introduced ourselves. Guess I wasn't the only one who didn't know many people in this class.

The first girl I met was Felicia and she was majoring in sports or medicine......maybe sports medicine? I also learned she's the head of a sorority, so I feel like that explains a lot about her.

The second girl was Annie and she's a nursing major. Just from looking at her I can tell she wears a lot of makeup, or at least knows how to make it look really nice. I feel like she'd be a harsher judge of my fashion than Sebastian......good thing I dressed casually today. You can never go wrong with a simple hoodie and jeans.

Finally the other guy was Brian and he's a business major. I'm not sure if it's all business majors have the same vibe to him, or maybe just Brian and Nate have the same vibe. Good thing I told Thad to stay away from those kind of guys, but guess I'll just have to deal with this Brian. I hope we all get along in this group since I could use a break from any kind of drama to be honest........though knowing my track record we all know what'll probably happen.

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