Lonely Avenue

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Hunter's POV

It's been about another week and Sebastian is still distancing himself from me. I've been patient, but I feel like if I don't talk to him about it soon then I don't know what to do. In fact, we rarely talk nowadays. Yes, we sleep in the same bed and eat at least 1 meal a day together, but I feel like I see him less and less. I know he's busy with his classes and other stuff for NYADA, but I can't help but feel like he's avoiding me. I can't even remember the last time we said "I love you" to each other.

As I was thinking a bit too much, I didn't realize until it was too late and ended up touching the hot part of the pan I was using. Quickly going to run my fingers under some cold water, I heard the sound of the door opening. 

"O-oh hey........dinner's almost ready." I called out as I quickly dried my hands and carefully removed the pan from the stove. As I put the food on some plates and brought them to the table, it was nice to see that Sebastian didn't look as tired as normal.

As we ate dinner, we talked a bit. Dinner is usually the only time of the day we do talk, and I was pleasantly surprised that today's conversations seemed a bit more lively. He told me about how he nailed a certain move in dance today and that he got an A on his paper for music theory. I didn't want to bother him with my class stuff, since it wasn't very impressive. In fact, I feel like my classes are going nowhere at times and I feel like my inspiration is gone. Maybe I just felt......lonely. 

He also started talking about some of his friends that he made recently. He's talked about them before actually, but something about the way he talked today made me feel a bit.....upset? I couldn't help but feel a bit angry or some other emotion that I'm not sure how to exactly describe it. 

"So this Josh......he seems like a close friend." I said as I tried to remain level headed.

"Yeah I guess. We've hanged out a few times and Timmy and Kent are pretty cool too." He said pretty casually.  I started to feel weird that he's hanged out with his friends while he doesn't seem to have much time for me. At least that's what I felt like he was saying, but I wasn't sure yet.

"So do they have the same classes as you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Well Josh is in music theory, but we usually hang out around downtown sometimes...."

"When do you have time to go downtown?" I asked, feeling a weird tightness in my chest.

He tried to look like he was thinking about it, but I knew well enough that he was just avoiding the question and that made me feel worse. I also then realized that his classes usually end around 6 pm, but sometimes he comes home around 7 or so, and that made me wonder.



"Have you been hanging out with them without telling me?" I asked in a tone even I didn't like.

"Why do you care? I can hang out with friends if I want." He said back a bit defensively.

"I care because sometimes I worry when you come back later than usual and you won't answer my texts." I said, raising my voice a bit. 

"Maybe I was busy and couldn't check my phone."

"Busy with what?" I asked back, not buying his excuse. He seemed to panic almost, and tried to change up the subject.

"Well maybe I'd respond if you didn't text me all the time." He said, raising his voice back at me.

"W-what? How much I text you shouldn't matter!"

"Yes it does! You're too fucking clingy!" He started yelling back, standing up from his chair. I could feel tears in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

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