Summer Nights

57 1 9

Hunter's POV

This summer seems like the slowest summer of my life......I think. I will admit that the last 2 summers are close behind, but that's because of some certain events that I try not to think about too much. This summer has just been going slow for no real reason. Maybe it's because college is a bit of a drag and the nights are getting longer now that it's finally July. 

Maybe it's also because it's a bit lonely at night sometimes. While I've happy for Sebastian and his job at the club, it also means he works later and I have more time to myself. Which was nice at first, being able to just chill and do what I want.......but some nights I feel a bit.....down. That might just be my clingy side coming out though.

Tonight just started and I can already tell it's going to be a long one. With Sebastian at the club, Tyler going on some crazy adventure, and Chad and Nina having a date night......I didn't have anyone to waste time with. I would have called up Josh or Becca, but apparently I found out that Becca was having her baby? Like it's a bit early, a bit under 8 months and babies come at 9.....right? I hoped everything was ok, but I knew better than to bother them right now.

I decided to settle with chilling on the couch and watching trash TV, and it was going pretty well until there was a scene with a couple on the screen. Made me miss Seb a bit.....especially in that sense. Wow, now's not the best time to get horny, Hunter. Trying to calm myself down, I switched the channel to some movie that I think was about some war or something historical.

It was a bit interesting, but I got bored pretty soon, so kept channel surfing and watching bits of shows or movies here and there until I guess I couldn't help but dose off a bit once I put on the local news channel. And I'm not sure why, but whenever I fall asleep on the couch I get some weird vivid dreams. Maybe it's cursed. It was from a second hand store anyway, so I'd believe it.

 I wasn't even sure what I was dreaming about most of the time, but I did remember jumping off a dock into a lake and once I hit the water everything turned black for a moment as I heard a sudden slam noise? Then all of a sudden I woke up and was a bit startled and confused.

"Sorry......" I heard a voice say, looking over to the door to see that Sebastian was home. I then moved to grab my phone from the coffee table to check the time. It was 1 am. Damn.

"No.....its ok......welcome home." I said as I ungracefully sat up and rubbed my eyes for a bit.

"Did you try to stay up for me again? Cause I told you that you can go to bed if you're tired." He said as he came over to sit next to me.

"I want to make sure you get home safe......I can't sleep without least not in bed." I told him and felt a bit embarrassed at that truth. It just feels wrong to go to bed without him next to me, you know? 

"While that's very sweet of you, sleep is important too." He said and I nodded before putting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Sorry I was later than usual. There was a bit of an incident at the club and I couldn't leave until it was sorted out." He said and I was a bit concerned. 

"What kind of incident? Are you ok?" I asked, moving away to look at him fully. He looked fine, but you never know.

"Yeah I'm ok. Some guy just caused a scene and we had to call the police. They asked all the workers questions and stuff soooo.....yeah. Don't worry, I took a taxi home just to be safe." He told me and I understood the situation, but it still kind of sucked. 

"Welllll besides all was work?" I asked and he sighed.

"It was a bit slow tonight and none of us really got much in the way of tips.......oh well. Felicity Spice says hi by the way." 

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