The Rest Of Our Lives

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Hunter's POV

The whole flight to Ohio I couldn't help but let my mind run as I thought about my proposal idea. I really wanted to do it, but I was also extremely anxious. Though this was a different kind of anxiety, not the panic attack kind. Doesn't mean it wasn't as emotionally exhausting though.

Since we're going to be staying there for a few days, Sebastian's dad offered to let us stay over. A bit weird to think that Sebastian's old room is pretty much the same as it was years ago, so it definitely brought back some interesting memories. Staying with his dad is pretty nice as it's good to see him again, but it's also a bit more nerve wracking since he knows about the proposal. Of course I know he wouldn't say anything right away since he doesn't want to ruin the surprise.....but still. I can't help but feel a bit awkward about the situation at least.

Today was the day of sectionals and all of the old Warblers came to town to surprise Trent. Even Jon came after not really hearing much from him in the past 4 years, but he looked like he was doing well. Most of us looked a bit older, but not too different. Well except for Cody since I can tell puberty finally hit him. Like with a truck. His voice is much deeper, he has a bit of a beard, and I think he even grew a few inches taller. I could tell Thad felt a bit awkward to be here since the last time he was with didn't go well. Though they all know now how much he's changed, so thankfully no more drama.

We also came together and devised a plan to low key prank Trent. Nothing too serious of course since we didn't want to give him a heart attack or anything. We all still had our old Dalton uniforms and decided to disguise ourselves as students, sneaking into the Warbler practice room and seeing how long it'll take Trent to notice we're there. I know it's not much of a plan, but I wasn't the one who came up with it. Blame Blaine, ok?

I can't believe all the students and teachers in the halls seemed to buy our disguise and we easily got to the Warblers without being caught. Of course the Warblers were surprised by all of us and questioned who we were, but once we told them our plan they were on board. So far Trent wasn't here, he was sorting through some paperwork or something according to one of the new kids. Though the moment Trent came through the doors, everyone pretended like everything was normal as Trent mumbled to himself. I saw he was flipping through some papers and he looked a bit stressed. 

"Here he goes again...." A kid said to us, rolling his eyes as we watched in silence.

"We'll do fine.....or what if we don't? Maybe doing Beyonce isn't a good idea....."

"Why not? Everyone loves Beyonce." Jeff spoke up and Trent paused for a moment, looking confused before turning to the Warblers. He instantly looked shocked once he saw us, but also happy. Guess it didn't take him that long. Not that we were betting on it.....much. Guess I owe Jeff 10 bucks.

"W-what are you doing here? All of you?" Trent said as Jeff ran over to give him his usual intense hugs. Don't break the guy, yeesh.

"We can't surprise an old friend?" David said as he patted Trent on the back.

"Of c-course you can did you sneak past the teachers?" Trent asked and Sebastian spoke up for all of us.

"Come on....they don't really care. Besides, a lot of students here already look like adults soooo...." He said and I had to agree with him on that. Plenty of people thought I wasn't a high school student yet totally believed Jon was. Jon could grow a full beard at 16 if he wanted to and had the voice of an old man at times.

We all decided to catch up a bit before going to Sectionals and it was nice spending time with my old friends in this place, but the proposal kept coming up in my head. As much as I wanted to just steal Sebastian away and find a nice private place to pop the question, like the big tree in the courtyard, something always came to ruin the moment. Figures.

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