New Rules

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Hunter's POV

Rolling over onto my other side, I noticed that I was alone in bed for once. It was a bit early, the clock on the night table saying 7:15 am, but Sebastian wasn't there. Touching where he normally sleeps, I could tell it was still warm so he probably just got up. Speaking of getting up......I didn't want to, but I know I had to. I had a class at 8:30 am sooooo I should be getting ready. I forgot to set my alarm, but I guess it was good that I woke up on time anyways.

I reluctantly got up and got dressed for the day. Some clean looking jeans, a black t-shirt, and a bomber style jacket was a simple yet nice look for my first day I think. As I went to the bathroom, I thought I heard Sebastian in the kitchen doing something. Guess I'll find out soon enough. After doing my morning bathroom routine, I took a look in the mirror. I saw myself, but I also saw in my eyes how much of a mental wreck I really was.

Maybe that's just my mind playing tricks on me. I then remembered Sebastian telling me that if you pretend to have confidence then eventually it'll become real. I just hoped he was right since I could definitely use some confidence today. I really wanted to make a good impression on my new classmates and professors. Connections are important in life, and it's best to start making them earlier rather than later.

As I walked into the tiny kitchen and eating area we have in our apartment, I saw Sebastian turn around holding 2 plates in his hands. 2 plates with food that for once didn't look burnt. At least not on the top from what I could tell.

"What's this?" I asked and he smiled as he put them on the table and did a little "ta da" movement with his hands.

"I made us breakfast." He said, looking pretty proud of himself with his hands on his hips.

" looks somewhat edible."

"Heyyyy scrambled eggs and toast isn't that hard to make." He said as he sat down.

Sitting across from him, I grabbed a fork and tried some of the eggs. They were a bit bland, I bet he forgot to use any seasoning like usual, but they were actually edible for once.

"Hey.....this isn't bad." I said.

"Does that mean it isn't good either?"

"No no it's good. Good enough to eat." I told him but he just looked annoyed since I'm not the best liar at times like this.

"Oh just shut up and eat." He said as he ate his food with a pout. Cute.

On our way out of the apartment, we remembered that our schools were in opposite directions and knew we would have to part ways soon.

"So I guess I'll see ya later?" Seb asked as we stopped at a street corner.

"Yeah......good luck at NYADA." I told him as he wished me luck back.

Before he could turn around, I put my hand on his cheek as I gave him a simple goodbye kiss. He smiled into it before pulling away to lean up and kiss my forehead. It was a simple and sweet gesture, and I couldn't help but feel all warm inside from it.

"A kiss for your worried thoughts." He said.

"T-thanks......" I told him as we started to move away from each other. Before he turned around, he gave me a wave and I returned it. Soon he was lost in the crowd of the street he walked down as I turned around and made my own journey.

The streets of New York aren't that confusing if you know the grid system, but seeing them in real life is different since most of them generally look the same. I double checked and I knew I was on the right way, it was just going to take a few minutes. As I waited for a crosswalk to turn green, I glanced into an alley way and saw a stray white cat climb onto a dumpster. I couldn't help but think of Puss who I left back in Colorado with my mom. I thought New York would be too much for a cat and I didn't want to lose him again, especially in a big city like this. My mom could also use the company too and Puss does love her, so I'm sure he doesn't mind. I still miss him though.

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