Winter Song

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Sebastian's POV

It was the plan to head back to New York after Christmas, but our flight was unfortunately cancelled due to bad weather or something. This meant we were staying till after New Year's instead. Thankfully, the rest of the family didn't mind and Hunter's mom was happy she got to spend more time with us. I never thought I'd end up liking Colorado as much as I do now, but there was something about this small town in the mountains that captured my heart. Looks like I'm getting sappy and poetic again, aren't I? Oh well.

I still feel a bit weird whenever Hunter gets close to me, but I've slowly become a bit more comfortable over the past few days. I wish I didn't feel this way around him, but after what he did on Christmas Eve, I can't help but hear a little voice in my head telling me to be afraid. I know Hunter would never want to hurt me mentally or physically on purpose as well as I know he's nothing like Tristan........but the memories still haunt me. It always has to come back when I least expect it too. I really want to tell Hunter about it all since it keeps me up at night, nightmares of him, but there's something holding me back. I just don't know what.

Going back to the topic of Hunter's family, they've all been super fun to spend time with. Even Kristina has been somewhat enjoyable to hang out with, but she still is a bit bitchy at times when she feels like it. Thankfully Susie helps to hold her back if she gets to be too much.

Today was going to be a fun day on the slopes. Apparently the ski lodge reopened after a year for renovation, so everyone had the same idea as us. I was pretty excited since I've never been skiing before, but it can't be that hard........right? Though as soon as I was ready to go, my excitement turned to fear as I may have started going a bit too fast and wasn't sure how to stop. I ended up crashing face first into a tree and to be honest it hurt like hell upon impact. Though once I had fully stopped moving and tried to get a grip of my surroundings, the pain was much less.

"Seb! Are you ok?" I heard Hunter yell as he got closer. Once he reached my spot, he put a hand on my shoulder which actually helped me come back to my senses.

"Y-yeah.....I think....." I said, turning to look at him but he just looked a bit shocked once I did.

"Y-you sure? Cause your nose is bleeding pretty bad." He told me, and after I touched my nose with my glove I soon saw it was stained red.


Hunter helped me back to the lodge as we went to the bathroom to clean me up. He gently wiped my nose and face with some wet paper towels to get rid of the excess blood and I was thankful for that, but my clothes were going to be stained until properly washed. I was also surprised how much blood there was, but I haven't had a nosebleed since I was like 8 so I kind of forgot how much blood is normal for a nosebleed.

"Izzit broken?" I asked in a nasally voice as my nose was somewhat full of tissue at that point.

"Does this hurt?" He asked as he pressed the bridge of my nose, making me wince a bit.

"A bit......"

"Sorry.....but I'm not sure.....could just be a bruise. It looks fine otherwise, so I think you'll be ok." He told me with a small smile. 

Soon after that my nose pretty much stopped bleeding, so we decided to take a break and sit in some chairs near a window overlooking the slopes. Though after a moment of silence, both of us started laughing like idiots. Like I know it wasn't a good thing that I got hurt......but I have to admit that it was kind of funny. I may have told Hunter at first that I was fine to go by myself, that I've got this, when in reality I didn't at all. 

"We don't have to go back on the slopes if you don't want to." Hunter told me after we had calmed down from laughing.

"But it was kinda fun.......maybe skiing just isn't for me."

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