You Are My Sunshine

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Sebastian's POV

I can't believe it's already November, but not too much has happened lately. Maybe that's why time has gone by a bit fast. Life seems to be going pretty well both in my personal and academic parts. Working at the club has been fun and Hunter's short film was finally finished. He was a bit embarrassed to show me, but I thought he did a great job. His character was pretty serious and I liked it a lot. He's going to be a great actor, I know it. 

Like usual I was lost in my thoughts a bit and almost ran into someone. Snapping back to my senses in time I noticed that it was Kurt. He seemed friendly like always, but made sure to quickly tell me that Rachel wasn't at NYADA today. Thank god. We ended up chatting as we had some free time.

"Sorry I haven't seen you in a has been busy." He said and I nodded in agreement. 

"Tell me about it." I added in as I shifted in my seat to get more comfortable.

"I know it's not my place, but I want to apologize for what Rachel said last time....." He started to tell me but I immediately told him not to.

"Like you said, it's not your place. Rachel should apologize herself. I'm fine if she never does, but other people shouldn't do it for her." I told him and it was his time to nod in response. 

"I didn't know what you went through either......I should have been nicer back then." 

"It's ok. You didn't know, so I can't blame you." I reassured him, but he insisted on his apology. 

"I know.....I just feel're not still going through all that, are you?" He asked and I was a bit confused, but then remembered what I exactly overshared last time.

"No. My dad is cool with all the gay stuff now.......and my ex is in prison, so I'm all good." 

"Prison? w-what did he do?"

"Oh he uhh had a bunch of child pornography of me and such. It's all gone now though." I explained and he just looked a bit shocked as he stayed quiet. Maybe I shouldn't have said that....oh well.

"Sorry for making this weird......and thanks for apologizing. You're a good friend Kurt."

"You too."


Waking up, I felt like today was going to be a good day. While I didn't have any classes today, I still had some classwork to get done, but that won't be that hard. Once it's all done, I was looking forward to spending some quality time with Hunter. The week was a bit busy, so it'll be nice to just relax with him and maybe watch a movie or walk around the city or something.

Though as I was getting dressed, I heard my phone ring. I glanced over to it on the night table and thought I should probably check who it was since I rarely get calls. Picking it up I saw that it was Josh. What would he want now? As I pressed the answer button, I saw Hunter enter the bedroom.

"Hey Josh.....what's up?" 

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could ummmmmm do me a favor?" He asked and I was a bit curious. He never asks for favors. At least he hasn't in a long time.

"Uhh sure? Depends on what the favor is though." I said as I heard him hesitate for a moment over the phone.

"Could you......could you look after Millie?" 

"W-what? Are you serious?"

"Only for today! Like it'll only be a few hours and I promise to make it up to you. Please?" He said, almost like he was begging. I told him to hold for a moment as I talked to Hunter who looked quite curious as to what was going on.

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