Hey Jude

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Sebastian's POV

It was a strange feeling to be going back home after a while. I know it's only been about 3 to 4 months since I moved out, but I got so used to our little apartment that it seems somewhat surreal to be back. The house looked the exact same and I couldn't help but just stare at it as I stood in the driveway. 

"You ok?" Hunter asked me, grabbing my hand and gently squeezing it.

"O-oh uh yeah......it's just been a while since you know." I said and he seemed to understand.

Now that I was snapped out of my thoughts, we walked to the door and I opened it as I tried to remember which key on my keyring was the right one. Once I opened the door and we both stepped inside, I was surprised by a hug. I was a bit shocked, but didn't hesitate too long to hug my dad back. 

"Ah I missed you two." He said as he moved to hug Hunter as well. I could tell Hunter was not expecting it, but it was a good surprise. 

"We talk all to time on the phone though dad." 

"Yeah yeah I know, but it's not the same." He told me back and I knew what he meant. 

As we caught up a bit, my dad informed us that only my Aunt Madeline and her daughter Chloe are here. Though he said not to disturb them since they're sleeping. I know not to mess with jet lag, so I'll make sure to leave them alone. The rest of the family should be arriving within the next few hours, but my dad had to make some phone calls in the meantime. After he left us alone, we decided it would be wise to unpack and went up to my room. We got here pretty early, as it was still morning, but we weren't tired since we slept on the plane ride.

As we stepped into my room, Hunter closing the door behind him, I looked around and felt an odd sense of nostalgia and other feelings I'm not sure how to describe. It's weird to think how much I've changed since I've left this behind........or at least I'd like to think I've changed. My room looks basically the same, besides the few stuff missing that I ended up taking with me to New York. The main thing missing was my record player and I feel a bit sad it's not here, but at least I know it's safe.

I turned around as I heard the sound of a bag hitting the floor. I saw Hunter looking at me with an awkward look on his face as I walked over to him, putting my bag next to his.

"Feels weird being back........doesn't it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah but it's not exactly a bad weird."

"What does that mean?" 

"Well......there are good memories of this place.......memories with you." I told him, giving him a bit of a smile. As I said that, he started to get a bit red in the face. I was a bit confused, so I asked him.

"Uhhh well ummm remember Valentine's Day?" He asked and I realized what he remembered and couldn't help but blush back. 

Our first Valentine's Day as a couple was also the first time we got more intimate that just kissing and cuddling. It was actually the first time I was naked in front of him. Now we see each other naked or at least half naked every other day and it's almost normal yet I know it's always going to be a bit awkward with each other. I don't mind that though. It may be awkward, but it's never uncomfortable.

"H-hey....you ok?" He asked.

"W-what? Why?" I asked back.

"You were just quiet for a while......" He said, stepping a bit closer to me so that he was within reach now.

"I was just remembering......you know." I said.

We both stood awkwardly silent for a moment before breaking out into laughter for some reason.

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