Forget You

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Sebastian's POV

I'm pretty sure both of us couldn't believe what we saw. a gay club? Though upon closer inspection he didn't look that happy and had a beer on the table in front of him. 

"Should we talk to him?" Hunter asked me, and even though I was a bit surprised that Thad was here.......maybe we should check up on him. Drinking alone is usually never a good sign. Unfortunately I know that from personal experience and it usually never ends up good either.

As we got closer to him, he obviously noticed us but tried to act like he didn't. He wasn't very smooth about it though. 

"Thad, are you ok?" I asked him as we reached the booth he was at. He looked pretty uncomfortable that we were here, but he knew he couldn't pretend like we weren't there for much longer.

"Does it look like I'm ok?" He answered my question with another question, but it told us perfectly that he was not.

"Can we join you?" Hunter asked, pointing to the seats across from him. Thad hesitated for a moment before gesturing us to go ahead.

"Soooo......what's the problem? School, love, drugs, or all the above?" I asked, trying to cover all the bases of why people drown out their sorrows.

"All.......well not drugs, but you know....." Thad said as he just stared at his bottle.

We sat in silence while the rest of the club partied on before Hunter finally asked the elephant in the room.

"Are you gay?"

Thad just stared at us with wide eyes, yet I knew that he knew he couldn't avoid that. Especially considering where he was and since he was alone, I can only assume he came here on his own free will.

"Yeah.......I think."

Based on his answer and my own experience, I could tell he was probably still in the questioning phase of his sexuality. Either the questioning phase or the complicated stage. Both can suck pretty bad though depending on your lifestyle.

"So why are you here? Trying to find someone or something?" Hunter asked, putting his elbows on the table casually.

"Something......I don't wanna bother you guys."

"Hey, we may have had a not so great past......but you're still our friend." I told him. Maybe he was just an asshole before since he was unsure of his own feelings he was going through at the time. I know that's not always the case, but you never know till you find out.

He took a moment to talk, but eventually told us that his boyfriend broke up with him. Like it was a rough breakup with crying and yelling and everything. 

"What exactly happened?" Hunter asked, but I could tell he was trying to sound gentle. 

"Well ummm......we dated for a few months. I decided to take a leap at love ya know?"

"Mhmm." We both went as we listened to his story.

"I thought he was kind of cool and such and we were friends at first. I started getting feelings for him and as one thing led to another.........we eventually had sex." He told us, but started to get a bit awkward talking about sex.

"You probably don't wanna hear about all that and it's not that important...." He rambled on a bit, but I could tell from his body language that it was important to his story.

"Thad, it's ok. You can talk to us about it, like we're not gonna judge you or anything." I told him and even though he still looked awkward, he seemed a bit more relaxed from my comment.

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