A Little's Enough

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Hunter's POV

Today's the day I see my father after almost a year. Like properly see him and talk to him and stuff. I thought I wasn't going to be nervous about it, but now that it's actually happening........I guess I was wrong. My hands can't stop shaking and I couldn't even properly button up the shirt I put on. As I struggled, Sebastian came over to me and started doing it for me. 

"Hey.....it's gonna be ok. Remember I'll be right next to you." He told me as even he was having a bit of a hard time with my buttons. My fault for wanting to look nice today I guess.

"I know.....but my mind is telling me otherwise." 

"Then tell it to shut up." He said as he finished that last button.

I couldn't help but smile at his comment and as I did, he suddenly put his hands on my face and kissed me. It wasn't exactly a hard kiss, but it was a bit deeper than usual. I felt the tingly sensation travel through my entire body and I instantly felt more relaxed. Damn he's a good kisser. As he pulled away, patting my cheeks a bit, he gave me a smile and I felt much better than before. What would I do without him?

"Let's go."

When we arrived at the coffee shop it was fairly busy, but we found a small table in a corner and settled down there. We waited for a bit, the 2 of us sitting next to each other in the booth. It didn't take too long before I saw my father walk into the shop, seeing us and walking over to our table slowly. I couldn't help but hold Sebastian's hand under the table as he reached us. 

As he sat down across from us I could tell that he didn't seem as intimidating as I remembered. He looked the exact same physically, but there was something different in his eyes that I couldn't exactly place. None of us said anything for a moment as my fingers tapped nervously on my cup. Eventually it was my father who broke the silence.

"I know this feels weird." He said and both of us nodded.

"First off.......I'm sorry for chasing you. I know it was wrong." He apologized and it kind of surprised me to hear that. After all the years I lived with him, I've never heard him say sorry.

"What do you want?" Sebastian asked, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"Nothing really....." 

I was a bit confused at that, but he continued by apologizing for everything and that kind of made me feel weirdly upset.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I told him and he nodded before continuing. 

"I know....and I'm not asking for your forgiveness. God knows I don't deserve it."

"Then why are you even here?" I asked, wanting to know his motives.

"Well......after I saw you......I wanted to know how you're doing."

"Why? You never seemed to care about me before." I told him, getting a bit uncomfortable.

"I do. I just......don't have a good way of showing it."

"No kidding." Sebastian butted in.

"You're not wrong."

"So what now? You planning to come back into my life or something?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"No." He said and I was even more confused by him, but he finally explained himself.

He told us that while he was away from me, he somehow started to respect and care about me more.

"Soooo......you only like the concept of Hunter?" Sebastian asked.

"No......well.......not exactly."

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