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Hunter's POV

Waking up I felt surprisingly refreshed. Sebastian's bed was quite comfy, and we were pretty tired from last night's.......activities. As my eyes got adjusted to being awake, I looked around the room. It was still dark from no lights being on, but the light coming through the curtains lit the place up enough. It was pretty quiet and peaceful. You could also hear the rain from outside hitting the roof and such, giving off a certain vibe.

I noticed Seb's head was resting on my chest while his arm was wrapped around me. One of his legs was also draped across my hips and it was actually quite comfortable to have him like this on me. I used the hand that was under him before to rub his back while I used my other hand to brush away the hair in his face. 

Seeing him asleep like this, looking content and at ease, I felt such a warmth in my chest. He's so beautiful and there aren't good enough words to describe how I feel about him. I wish I could just stay in this moment forever, not having to deal with or think of any responsibilities. It was like we were in our own little world. I can't believe that there was a time not that long ago where I couldn't even imagine being in a position like this. I didn't think I'd ever be this happy either.

Of course there had to be a knock on the door right after I thought that. I almost froze in that moment, not sure what to do since Sebastian is literately on top of me with his arm and leg around me. Somehow I managed to peel him off of me and not disturb him too much, but I made sure to cover him more with the sheets before I walked over to the door.

Once I unlocked it and opened it, I saw it was Sebastian's Aunt Madeline. She looked nice as always and had a pleasant smile on her face.

"Sorry if I woke you.......but it is almost noon." She said.

"Oh it's ok. Can I help you with anything?" I asked and she actually said yes.

"Can I come in?" 

"Uhh sure. Seb is still asleep though." I said, but the second after I said that Sebastian popped his head up.

"Whattt?" He said in an obviously tired voice while he still had his eyes closed. We couldn't help but laugh at that, making Seb wake up more to see what was going on.

I then let Madeline in, closing the door behind me as she went to sit next to Seb at the foot of the bed. As she sat down, Seb gave her a lazy wave and told her good morning. Cute.

"Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep." She apologized to Sebastian.

"'s fine. Prefer you over the twins anyway....."

"I know how you that why you had your door locked?" She asked, making me and Seb look at each other awkwardly before we said yeah in unison. Though I could tell she got the hint.

"Hey, everyone deserves their privacy......especially when certain people don't follow that rule."

"Yeah no kidding. Though ummm what do you need us for?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Well.......I know you two can sing soooo....." She started with.

"What's the occasion?" Seb asked.

"It's for Chloe." She said and both of us couldn't help but get intrigued.

She went on to explain that Chloe wants to audition for her school's musical, but is too nervous to sing in front of others. Especially a ton of strangers.

"So you want us to help her?" I asked and she nodded.

"I was thinking the 3 of you could sing a song together in front of the family. Like a practice performance so she can get more comfortable." 

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