Little Talks

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Sebastian's POV

I needed to talk to my dad. I know he's probably busy with work on weekday, but I could really use some fatherly advice right now. He's also helped me before with Hunter as well as he has known about our relationship for a long time unlike Kurt. Even if he ends up giving me shit advice, I know talking to him might at least make me feel a bit better.

I stared for a good while at his contact before finally getting the nerve to press the call button. Like I expected, the phone rang for a long time. I was almost thinking about giving up when I heard him talk. He sounded a bit tired but at least he didn't seem to be in a bad mood.

"Hey bud, how's it going? Sorry for the late pickup, I lost my phone under my paperwork." He apologized and I just felt good to hear his voice again. I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving which was at least 6 months ago, so I was kind of missing him.

"It's fine. Sorry for calling you at this hour." I said, noticing that the sky had already gotten dark outside and the buildings reflected the orange glow off the streetlights. 

"Don't be. I miss talking to you anyway. Haven't heard from you in over a month......everything alright?" He asked and I hesitated for a bit, realizing my breath was a bit shaky for a moment.

"Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"It's Hunter." 

"You didn't break up, did you?" He asked and I felt that same sting from when Rachel said those similar words earlier, but I pushed it down.

"No, but I said something that bothered him and I don't know why."

"Well what did you say?" He asked and I felt weird to talk to him about it since the topic of marriage is serious. I decided to ease into it a bit slowly.

"We were talking about.....stuff. Like personal sort of stuff. We've gotten really close lately and I've been having some thoughts."

"What kind of thoughts? Not bad thoughts.....right?" He asked me and I immediately said no.

"Well I did have some doubts like always about love, but I uhhh......" I started to say, but felt a weird lump in my throat to tell him about it. 



"You were just quiet for a bit." He said and I apologized before getting the courage to continue. I've already come this far and I know my dad doesn't like to not know all the details. Especially after I teased it.

"I told him I've thought about.......marriage." I said and the moment of silence on the phone made the weight on my chest from before come back. Not him too. Though I was glad he continued to talk to me even after that.

"Marriage is a pretty serious thing. How did he react?"

"He said he needed to think about things and we haven't really talked much since. Like he'll say the casual hello or whatever, but that's it."

"I I obviously don't know Hunter as well as you do, but even to me this seems a bit out of character for him." He said and I totally agreed with him. Like it's weird and seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Do you think I ruined everything for bringing it up?"

"No I don't. While I do think you're a bit young for getting married right now, I'd still support your choice if you wanted to. I know how much you love him, I can see it in your eyes when you look at each other." He said, shocking me a bit that he was actually ok with all that. 

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