Greek Tragedy

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Hunter's POV

The air was cold, crisp, and would usually be refreshing......yet I felt anything but. My head was swimming in my thoughts. Thoughts of my past, who I was back then, and Kristina. Looking at my school from across the empty soccer field, I remembered memories I had almost forgot about. Memories like the times I skipped class and smoked under the very bleachers I was sitting at. Sometimes I would just skip school entirely and explore the woods. A lot of the times I played hookey I also ended up bringing Kristina along and we'd have our "chill" sessions. 

I couldn't help but think about how it felt when she kissed me today. To be felt good. In fact, it reminded me of the old days when we would fool around. It wasn't exactly a spark, more like a tingle, but it was still something. Of course I didn't feel as much from her as when I kiss Sebastian.......but it's not like it was nothing. Just the thought of that makes me want to cry or scream or punch something.......I don't know. 

I thought I was gay, that I didn't feel anything for Kristina. I know now that I did and maybe I still do. It's not like I'm madly in love with her, but I still somewhat care about her even if that feeling makes my heart hurt in a weird way. Maybe by trying to forget how she made me feel when she dumped me, I also forgot about how I felt about her in general. Looking back at those times in the present day..........I did enjoy sex with her. She made me feel all kinds of things, but she was my first when it came to intimate experiences. 

Everything just feels so complicated and it's almost as if my brain is too small to fully comprehend what I'm mentally going through. I almost feel stupid or something. 

"Hunter? Is that you?" I heard a deep voice say to my left.

As I turned to see who it was, I saw the sheriff. I haven't seen him in years and let's just say uhhhh I wasn't the best kid the last time we interacted. Basically, I made his job at least 5 times more difficult than it needed to be. Of course I feel bad about all of that nowadays since I've grown up a lot, but he doesn't exactly know that. 

"'s me." I told him, trying to sound like I hadn't just been crying a moment ago.

"It's been a look different. A good different of course. Finally got rid of that messy mop of a haircut." He said, trying to lighten the awkward mood. All I could do was shrug at that answer since he wasn't wrong about that........but it wasn't that bad of a haircut. Was it?

"Hey.....everything ok?" He asked as he put his hands on his belt, an old habit of his I almost forgot. I wasn't sure what to say, but felt ok being a bit more honest with I shook my head.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked after a moment and I just gestured for him to go ahead. Once he sat down, he asked me if I wanted to talk about it.

"I don't wanna bother you......don't you have more important things to do?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You may have made my job hell, but I do care about you. Besides, all I really do is patrol most of the time what's eating at you?" 

I was a bit surprised at his words and that he legitimately cared about me, so I guess I felt somewhat ok with telling him what was up.

"It's Kristina....."

"Last I knew, you two broke up. Are you back together or something else?"

"We're not together.......but she wants to be." I told him, slightly pulling at the ends of my sleeves.

"Is that a bad thing? Like I know she hasn't been the best person but....." He asked, and I understood his reaction since he doesn't know our full story. No one really does......except for me and Kristina.

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