The Way You Look Tonight

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Sebastian's POV

Even though marriage doesn't really change what me and Hunter have, just knowing that we're officially a legal couple makes me feel different inside. A good different I guess. Like all those doubts I had about love never lasting just seemed to run away in the night and I couldn't be happier. Like I can't wait to experience the rest of my life with him by my side.

Our friends and family surprised us by putting together some money to pay for a few days trip to Paris as a group wedding gift. I thought it was really sweet and told them they didn't need to do that, but they all agreed that we deserved to have a romantic honeymoon. I was excited to go back to France since I haven't been there much since my mom passed away and Hunter has never left The United States. Of course that meant we had to get him a passport, but that wasn't super hard.

We arrived in France a bit late and were tired from jet lag, so we pretty much just went straight to bed once we checked into the hotel. The bed was pretty comfy, so I'm not complaining. Though now that it's morning, we have a full day ahead of us and I was ready to explore the city. Hunter on the other hand looked pretty content with just staying under the sheets, even after I tried pulling them off of him.

"Hunttterrrrrr.......wakey wakey." I said near his ear as I saw his eyes slowly open to look at me.

"Whaaa.....t." He said as he tried to pull the blanket back up to his chest.

"It's morning and we were gonna see the sights today." I told him but he just gave me a face.

"5 more minutes?" He bargained, but I wasn't buying it.

"Come's a beautiful day annnndddd you have one of the best tour" I said as I patted his chest to encourage him.

"I guess you have a point....." He said, taking a moment before finally sitting up. 

"Good. I already got your clothes ready." I told him as he looked at the outfit I had laid out for him at the edge of the bed. I know he isn't a morning person, so I help him out if I can. He just slowly got up and grabbed them before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

It didn't take him long to get ready like usual, unlike myself sometimes, so we soon were headed out the door to see the sights. Since I knew the area more from spending summers growing up exploring these streets, he obviously followed my lead as I held his hand in mine. France is pretty accepting towards the LGBT+ community, so I felt pretty comfortable with Hunter. Of course like any city, nighttime is always more dangerous, but in the daytime it's ok. French people can be rude at times, but I don't mind being rude back if need be. No one is going to ruin my mood today.

Just walking down the streets, either narrow alleyways or public areas, I felt happy to be here. I could see Hunter was enjoying the sights as the day went on, feeling better now that he was more awake than before. Might have also helped that we stopped at a nearby cafe to get some coffee and such. I can't believe I almost forgot how good the bread was here and Hunter would agree. I was also surprised that the cafe we went to, a cafe I used to visit when I was younger, actually remembered me. Then again they did say I looked the same as when I was 14 so I can understand. 

We were pretty productive, walking around a good portion of the city. We explored the Louvre Museum, the one that looks like a glass pyramid, and even the Notre Dame cathedral. Though despite living in France for a good portion of my life.....I've never been to the Eiffel Tower. Like I've seen it from afar, but I never went up it. Of course we had some fun trying to take those silly photos where the tower looks smaller compared to you. I made it look like I was leaning against it all casually while Hunter made it look like he was kicking it or something. This obviously resulted in many takes as he kept falling over in the process, but I think I took a good one.

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