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Sebastian's POV

It's been a few days now and Hunter hasn't talked to me.....well not much at least. Like he'll acknowledge my presence and say hello and such, but we don't cuddle as much. Forget kissing and more. This weird sort of silent treatment feels like a weight on my chest that's a bit too heavy for my liking and it just gets worse as time goes on. It's making the days almost like a blur or something.

I feel like I fucked everything up, but it makes no sense to me why it's this bad. It just seems unusual for Hunter to act this way in this situation. He never gets quiet and reserved like that. It's not like I haven't tried to reach out to him, but whenever I do he just brushes me off or goes away. It's never aggressive or intense, but it hurts just as bad. 

I was feeling especially shitty today, having gotten not much sleep for obvious reasons as of late, as well as today was my vocal performance final. I just wanted to get it done and have the day end already in hopes that tomorrow would be better. Though of course I just had to run into Kurt and Rachel in the hallway. Now I don't mind Kurt and we've sort of become friends, but Rachel is kind of a bitch. Though like always she seemed to be in her obnoxious and cheerful mood. Kurt for once actually looked like he was in better spirits despite the issues I know he's been going through with Blaine.

"Hey Sebastian." Kurt greeted me with a wave as he got closer. I wasn't really feeling chatty today, so I just gave him a simple head nod in response. Though for some reason Rachel stopped me.

"No need to be rude." She said with a hand on her hip which just made Kurt looked annoyed in a tired way.

"It's fine Rachel."

"Can't he say hi back?" 

"It's finals season, he's probably just stressed and tired like everyone else." Kurt told her and he had a good point that was probably going to be ignored by Rachel like usual.

I felt a bit weird to talk to them, but I haven't really talked to many people lately. Especially when Hunter is being the way he is. Normally, me and Hunter could talk for hours about anything and never get tired. I missed talking to him late at night in bed about a random thought I had and he'd actually care to listen to all the details. So you know what? I got some time to spare.

"Actually.....I do feel kind of like shit today, so thanks for noticing Kurt." I said, giving him a smile before giving Rachel an annoyed look.

"Why would mr. perfect feel shitty? Did Hunter break up with you or something?" Rachel said all of a sudden and I was not expecting it at all. Like why would she say that?

I've tried to remain calm and focused today, not thinking about Hunter too much, but then this bitch has to bring up the one thing to make me feel worse. Like she wasn't right, but she also wasn't that far off and I hated that she wasn't 100 percent wrong. I didn't even realize I started to cry until I felt a tear hit my arm that was holding my folder to my chest.

Rachel for once looked a bit surprised that I showed emotion in front of her while Kurt looked legitimately concerned. 

"I'm sorry I's complicated.......not like you'd care anyway....." I said, giving Rachel a dirty look since she definitely deserved it after saying that shit. Of course she took that to offense, but before she could really say anything, Kurt shut her up and got her to go away.

"Do you have a moment?" He asked me, putting a hand gently on my shoulder.

"I uhhh I have m-my vocal final in 30 minutes........b-but sure." I told him before he took me to an area that was more private and had a place we could sit down.

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