A Hazy Shade Of Winter

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Hunter's POV

December is finally here and I feel like I'm finally in my element. I've always loved winter and the cold and the snow. There's just something about it that changes the whole energy of the world around you when it's this time of year. It feels good to have the cold crisp air blow through the streets as I walk around and watch the world go by. 

Life has been pretty good lately despite all the ups and downs that happen to everyone. Turns out I did not get the part for Les Miserables. Some guy named Eddie or Artie got it instead. To be honest I am a bit sad about that, but oh well. Mister Adler ended up letting us all go early since he needed to sort out some things in regards to the play, so I had some time to waste for once. 

As I walked through the streets I could see that Christmas decorations were already being put up and I couldn't help but feel festive. Christmas is my favorite holiday, right after Halloween of course. This will be my first time spending Christmas with Sebastian and the first time he's meeting the rest of my family. I'm a bit nervous about that, but not nervous about whether or not everyone will be ok with me having a boyfriend. I'm more just nervous about whether or not they'll accept Sebastian into the family. He can be pretty good at pleasing a crowd, so I'm sure he'll win them over with his personality in no time. It also helps that my mom and Mr. Puss like him a lot already.

As I turned the corner I noticed in a shop window that they were putting up a Christmas tree. I thought about getting one for our apartment, but that seems a bit pointless to me since we're not going to spend the holiday there. Also we wouldn't have too much space as well as I'm not sure if Seb would even want one. It's always good to ask before doing things like that sooo yeah maybe it's best to not get one. Maybe next year.

Also thinking about Seb........I have no idea what to get him. I remember last Christmas I got him a scarf, but that was when we just started dating. We've been together over a year now and are much closer than before, so I feel like I should get him something more meaningful. I kind of wish I didn't get him that bracelet for his birthday since that would have been a great gift for now. I was an idiot to get him something that good back then and now I need to find something different. I still have at least 2 weeks so  I'll probably think of something by then. I hope.

Like usual, I kept thinking about things that stemmed from one thought to another and now I was thinking about what Sebastian said to me the other night. About how life changes. Only recently have I truly realized how much my life has changed for the better and a lot of that has to do with Seb. Change can be quite scary and at first I was terrified to commit too much to love, but I'm so happy I finally did. I couldn't help but smile thinking about how being with him makes me feel.

I guess I wasn't paying too much attention because of that thought, as I accidentally bumped into someone. Of course I immediately apologized, but I was surprised to see a familiar face looking back at me. It was Thad. He looked just as surprised as I did to be honest.

"Oh uhhh hey how's it going?" He asked, seeming awkward but polite. I haven't seen him since graduation, but I also haven't talked to him for longer.

"It's going good......you?" I asked back and he gave me a simple nod in return.

"What are you doing in New York?" I asked since I was legitimately curious.

"I go to school here. Baruch College. It's just down the street sooo....." He told me before asking me why I was in New York as well.

"Oh I go to NYU. I got out of class early today so maybe that's why we crossed paths." I told him and we both seemed to agree to my theory. Our conversation was a bit stiff, but it was understandable. At least it wasn't uncomfortable or hostile.

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