Jet Song

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Sebastian's POV

At first I was a bit hesitant to even think about auditioning for West Side Story, but thanks to Hunter and his persuasion, I finally decided to just go for it. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, which is to be expected I guess. I've been practicing everyday after classes for the past week and I think I'm finally ready. Hunter has been really supportive in this whole process, even helping me make sure my audition is perfect. 

Besides him, I haven't told anyone else about it. I'm not usually the one to believe in superstitions, but you never know and I can't afford bad luck right now. I really want a part in the show, even if it's just a background extra. Being able to perform on Broadway in one of my favorite musicals would be a dream come true........but maybe it should stay a dream.

It almost feels too good to be true, that I'm just holding onto false hope that I could actually get a role. It's Broadway, the big leagues, and so many people audition for their shows. I'm just another face in the crowd to them.......but I've already come this far. Besides, Hunter is believing in me and he gave me the courage to actually get to the point where I am today. 

After all, I'll never know what will happen if I don't give it a try. If I try my best and give it my all.....who knows? I may just happen to get it, and I'm going to try to hold onto that bit of hope even if it's only a bit.

Thanks to practicing my audition song and keeping up with my studies, I've been a bit busy. I thought Hunter might get a bit down from that, but he actually doesn't seem to mind. I guess it helps since he's also been a bit busy too with his own stuff. So we're still good with each other. No fights or anything and when we do get to spend time together it's nice like usual. We mostly just eat meals together and cuddle at night, but that's not a bad thing. Both of us sleep the best when we're together anyway.

After a long and hard week, my audition day is finally here. I tried my best to get the sleep I needed, but my mind was racing all night and I'm not sure how much rest I actually got. Before I left Hunter tried his best at giving me a pep talk to encourage me. Though I think his good luck kiss did a better job at that. Though despite that, I was still pretty nervous.

As I arrived at the theatre for my audition I couldn't help but pace up and down the hall as I waited to be called in. It felt like it was taking forever, but I eventually heard my name. Walking in to the middle of the stage and taking a deep breathe, I started.

"Hello. My name is Sebastian Smythe and I will be auditioning for the role of Baby John." I said, trying my best to have a strong but calm voice. I saw the group of judges, possibly directors or producers of the show, sitting at a table in front of the stage. They looked a bit stiff, but I tried not to let that get to me.

I chose to sing the song "Corner Of The Sky" from Pippin. I thought it would show off my range that would fit a more conventional musical like West Side Story. I was feeling more comfortable as I continued to sing, focusing on my breath control and tone. I tried to take in all the advice that NYADA has given me so far and apply it to this moment, but it was cut short for some reason. 

Stopping mid song, I saw the middle aged man in middle of the table raise his hand as he told me to stop. I want to say that he was the director and looking at his name tag I could see that I was right. When he spoke he sounded as harsh as his looks and I immediately didn't like him.

"So you really think that you could be Baby John? With that voice?" He said and I was a bit surprised by his question.

"I uhhh....y-yeah?" I said, mentally cursing myself for stuttering and sounding like that.

"I knew our selection for the role has been lacking in the talent department, but this is a fucking joke!" He said while I could tell the other people at the table looked uncomfortable yet also used to this kind of behavior. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there as he continued his rant.

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