The Death Of A Bachelor

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Sebastian's POV

Wedding planning actually had a lot more to it than I first thought, but at least we have time before we actually get married. It's now the start of a new year and we decided to have a summer wedding, so we have a few months, yet I can tell Hunter is still nervous about everything. We have to find a venue, pick the guests, get suits and rings, write vows, and such so I understand why he's overwhelmed a bit.

"Hunter, everything will be fine. It doesn't have to be perfect." I told him as we were looking through some wedding magazines for inspiration or something.....I don't know.

"But I want it to be special.....because you're special." He said, but I responded by scooting closer to him on the couch so I could give him a quick kiss.

"While I do have some flair......I think a simple and conventional wedding sounds perfect."


"Yes. Now don't stress that much about it, ok?" I told him, holding his cheek in my hand as he sighed after a while and nodded.

"Though I do need to ask you something....." He said and I gestured for him to go ahead.

"Where do we want to get married? Cause I have family in Colorado and Canada while you have family all over the United States and France. We also live in New York." He told me and I had to agree that he had a point. Though it was simple to me.

"Well I think France is a bit far for most of the guests......though Colorado could work." I said and he looked surprised.

"You want to get married there?" He asked and I nodded.

"Your hometown is beautiful and I have a lot of family out west, so it won't be bad for them. Also my French relatives have to take a flight to America anyway."

" want to have the wedding in my hometown?" He asked and I could see he looked a bit nervous.

"umm yeah I that a problem? We don't have to have it there if it is." I said but he shook his head.

"No it's not a problem.....I think. It's just that there's never been a gay wedding in my hometown..."

"You think it'll cause a commotion or something in the community?" I asked and he nodded slowly. I can understand why he would feel that way.

"Though.......having our wedding there would be nice. We could have it outdoors too." He suggested and I immediately agreed. The outdoor views there are very photogenic. 

"So having the wedding in your hometown it is?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'll call my mom later. She'll know who to contact for a venue." He said with a small smile.

After a little while of discussing location and such, we came to the issue of the guest list.

"Is there anyone we don't want there?" I asked him and he thought for a moment.

"Well I'm sure you'll wanna invite Kurt, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Even though Kurt is still friends with Rachel, I'm pretty sure you want her there as much as I do......" He said, and I definitely agreed. She's never liked me anyway, so I don't want anyone there that will ruin the mood. It's supposed to be a good day.

"I'm also unsure about inviting Louis and Gabe....." I said and he looked confused for a moment before remembering.

"Are they your rowdy drunk cousins who don't care about privacy?"

"Yup. No doubt they'll get drunk at the wedding and do some embarrassing shit."

" it. Though we have to invite The Warblers, right?" He suggested and I could tell he was talking about our high school friends, not the current Warblers.

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