California Gurls

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Hunter's POV

Waking up on my own for once instead of from an alarm, I surveyed my surroundings a bit before I could properly register reality. Blinking through my blurry eyes for a while, I noticed Sebastian next to me. He always looks so peaceful when he's sleeping and I couldn't help but admire him. I feel like he isn't aware of how beautiful he is to me, always feeling a bit self conscious about his body, but I would never want him to change. At least not for strictly reasons of vanity.

Kissing his shoulder gently, I remembered the emotional talk we had the night before. As much as I dreaded revealing my insecurities about the future of us, I am glad that he forced me to tell him. Due to that we're finally ok again. I know it was stupid and maybe even slightly selfish that I avoided him. I'm not even sure what I was thinking to be honest. Sebastian has always been a good listener when it comes to things like that, so I'm a real idiot for forgetting that fact and keeping my feelings from him in the first place.

At least all those issues are dealt with and I can just focus on what's really important. I need to go back to taking things one at a time and not overloading my brain about things. As a shifted a bit, pulling my arm away from him, he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I was a bit surprised, but it was mostly because I thought he was still asleep. I guess I was wrong.

"Good morning mr. clingy." I say to him close to his ear as I wrapped my arm around him a bit tighter.

"Shut up."

"That's not what you did last night...." I said as I kissed the back of his neck gently.

Let's just say we really missed each other and had some quality time last night, but I could tell he was embarrassed about it by how red his face was getting. I find it kind of adorable that even though we've been intimate before, he still gets flustered at moments like this. A while later he turned around to face me, putting his hands on my chest.

"I guess it's a good thing my dance final was last week." He joked at me and we both laughed a bit.

"Yeah that definitely is a good did you do on it by the way?" I asked, running my hand though his hair in attempt to fix his bedhead but it had a mind of it's own.

"Well I passed......." He said, looking down a bit.


"Hey I'll take the passing grade ok? What about your sociology presentation?" He asked back to change the topic. I see what you did there, but I understand.

"It went ok. We ended up getting a B, but I'm happy with that. Brian almost demanded an A though and that was a bit awkward....."

" least you're done with that and the semester is ending this week."

"Oh thank god. I can just smell summer vacation calling." I said, but was confused when he raised his eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't you have summer classes? Cause I know I do." He said and then I remembered. Greaaaatttt. 

"Well we still have like 2 weeks off before they start. Aren't we visiting Nick and Jeff?" 

"True......haven't heard back from them recently though." He said as he rubbed my chest a bit.

We sort of made plans to visit those guys this summer, specifically to celebrate Pride together. None of us have really celebrated it before, so it seemed like a great idea. There weren't really many pride parades and stuff back in Ohio as well as I only recently came out. Sebastian never celebrated it cause he didn't want to do it alone, but now he has friends and a boyfriend. Nick also doesn't have a very supportive family, so he couldn't celebrate it safely before. Now that we're all adults and able to do what we want, no one can stop us from having some hella gay fun times.

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