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Hunter's POV

"Because I love you."

I couldn't help but smile at that and tell him I loved him back before I leaned forward slowly to kiss him. I missed his lips so much, they were heavenly and addicting. I would never get tired of it. I felt him smile against me and so did I. As we continued to kiss slowly, I felt Sebastian move a bit. He ended up climbing into my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck and legs around my back. We broke the kiss for a moment as we just stared into each other's eyes.

Moving my hands to rest on his hips and lower back, I kissed his forehead while I felt one of his hands move to my cheek. I saw he looked happy, and I was glad. I feel bad that he had to hide his true feelings all this time because of Josh, especially after we've been close to each other like this. I know it was just as hard for him to avoid me as it was for me to keep my distance.

I kissed him a bit deeper this time, my hands traveling down to his ass as I lightly rubbed him down there. I felt a bit bolder as I decided to squeeze his ass a bit, making him gasp in surprise, giving me an opportunity to put my tongue in his mouth. We continued to kiss and touch each other slowly, feeling more intimate than we have in a long time. After breaking apart for a moment to catch our breath, Seb whispered to me in my ear.

"You know.......the bed would be comfier...." He suggested and I took his offer since the couch isn't very big and sooner or later one of us may fall off if this gets more heated.

I decided to get up, lifting him by his thighs as I carried him with me to the bedroom. We continued kissing on the way, only stopping every now and then so I wouldn't crash into anything. Once we got to the bed, I fell backwards so Seb would be on top of me. He didn't hesitate to start kissing along my jaw before moving down my neck.

He bit slightly on my neck at one point before kissing the pleasurable pain away. I couldn't help but slide my hands under his shirt, pressing against his upper sides a bit more. As I massaged his sides and back slightly, I felt him start to grind against me. I didn't mind as I moved back against him. Before long, I helped him take off his shirt and I could see he looked a bit self conscious like always. Well I know he probably felt self conscious since he hasn't been shirtless around me in a while.

"I missed this...." I said as I moved my hands up his chest and sides.

"My chest? Why? I don't have abs or anything....." He said, looking to the side as I saw his face get a bit red.

"I like all your freckles......they're cute." I told him and he just mumbled something that resembled "shut up".......I think. He then moved to help me remove my shirt, so I helped him a bit as I was lying down.

"N-now......speaking of abs....." He said as he moved his hands across them. I couldn't help but laugh a bit since it was a bit funny and cute.

"Come here." I said as I pulled him down for another kiss as we continued to grind against each other a bit.

After some more kissing, we both put our hands on the waistband of each other's pants and looked at each other for a moment. I asked him if it's ok and he said yes if it's ok with me. I nodded and we both helped each other take off our pants, leaving us in just our underwear.

Once that happened, I couldn't help myself as I flipped us over, making me on top of Seb with his legs around me. I started kissing and sucking his neck in the way he likes, sucking harder on his sensitive spot for a bit. That was for sure going to leave a hickey. We continued to grind, but a bit harder this time as I put my hands on his hips. It didn't take long to notice we both were excited down there, but we didn't say anything as we continued doing what we were doing.

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