The Truth About Love

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Sebastian's POV

I tried to sleep, but I just couldn't anymore. Usually I pretty much just pass out when I get home since I'm tired from class, but not anymore. There was just something about the space Hunter takes up every night being empty that made me feel otherwise. The bed, the room, just felt much colder. Since I couldn't sleep I might as well get up for the day or at least sitting up would be better than lying down.

As I sat up, I felt even more alone as I looked around the room. I miss Hunter a lot.......but he kissed Julien back. I know some people kiss whoever they want and it doesn't matter much to them, but it does to me. Before Hunter, I rarely kissed anyone. While I did have sex with several people, it was just sex. You don't need to kiss to have sex. Call me cheesy or whatever, but to me kisses are more romantic in general. Hunter is the only person I've been romantic with, so kisses from him mean just that much more to me. They're special.

I've thought about the whole situation between the two of us for a few days. Well I've thought about our fight for longer, but it's been a few days since I saw Hunter at the coffee shop. I'm not really sure how long it's been to be honest, but it's felt like forever. I heard my phone buzz, so I reached over to grab it. When I turned it on, I saw I had 5 texts and 4 missed calls from Hunter.

I was too tired to even think about dealing with it, so I tossed my phone on the other side of the bed as I finally got up. I ended up putting on whatever I found in a somewhat clean pile of clothes on the floor, but once I pulled the hoodie over my head it smelled familiar. It smelled like Hunter. Faint sandalwood tones and a hint of sweat but I didn't care. After a moment I realized I was breathing in the scent a bit too much, so I stopped myself before I got too emotional.

I settled for some toast and coffee for breakfast. Even though I know I'd feel even worse later from that, but I needed some energy for the day. It was Friday and I had a vocal performance check in today. I was so going to nail it.......not. My voice already felt a bit scratchy from crying last night, but I tried to ignore that fact as I finished my sad excuse for breakfast. As I went to toss my mug into the sink, my eyes caught on an apron hanging up to my left. 

It was Hunter's apron that said "Kiss the cook". Normally I'd laugh at it or smile, but this time I felt a weird pain in my heart from the sight of it. Memories of the times he'd cook for me and I'd "help" out. Ok I mostly just washed dishes and got to hand him ingredients, but I still helped. I missed the warmth of those moments with him, but I had to remind myself he's not here.


It sure was a long day today, and I didn't really want to talk to anyone if I could help it, but as I was about to walk out of the building I heard someone call after me. Turning around I saw it was Josh with Timmy and Kent behind him. 

"Hey Seb! How's it going?" Josh asked, energetic as usual. Not sure how, but he always is.

"Eh.....ya know." I said with a tired shrug. All I wanted to do was lie on my couch, watch shitty TV, and eat ice cream. Leave me alone. Please.

"Long day, am I right? Well I know a good pick me up." He said with a big smile. Not sure where this is going, but I guess I'm curious to know so I motioned for him to go on.

"It's Friday night and that means it's club night. You should join us." He suggested.

"Ehhh I don't know.......not really a club person." I told them. Honestly I wasn't, at least not anymore since my high school days.

"Oh come onnnnn don't be a buzzkill man! You could do some good from letting loose." Josh persisted, but I still was unsure. It's not like I really had important plans tonight, but you know.

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