part 5

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my alarm went off at 6:30 since my school starts at 8:00

i get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower, i smell my clothes and it smells exactly like quinton, i smile

i'm done showering and i check my phone, it is 7 so i decide to get ready and wear this

i'm done showering and i check my phone, it is 7 so i decide to get ready and wear this

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i run downstairs and grab a granola bar, i start eating it while going on my phone


cynthia, are you and quinton dating

she said she wasn't looking for a relationship but her last post 👀

ill tell you guys everything at school

i was on my phone until 7:45 and then josh came downstairs

josh: hey, you ready?

cynthia: yup let's go

----------time skip----------

we get to the school and i see quinton standing infront of his truck talking to jaden while waiting for me

i get out of the car and run towards them

quinton: hi baby

cynthia: hey beb

*i kiss quinton*

jaden: alright i'm out of here

jaden walks towards josh and they do some weird handshake

quinton: so i'm thinking about trying out for the football team

cynthia: that's great beb, i know josh is on the football team so it's a 50/50 percent chance you'll get in. either he will be nice since you guys live together or he will be petty

quinton: damn it i forgot about that

*the bell rings*
cynthia: bye bubs

quinton: *pouts* bye baby
he kisses me for a long time until jaden grabs his hoodie and pulls him into the sway group

i roll my eyes and wave at him and he smiles

i walk into the school, i have first period english with lauren and nessa and then science which i have with quinton, sab and cooper

i walk into english and sit at the back with nessa and lauren beside me

they immediately ask me questions about quinton and i tell them all about how he asked me out and everything that basically happened.

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