home sweet home

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Thomas had set up a meeting with the management and everyone from the house was there. We had told them the way we feel and they told us we are children and don't know what we are talking about. Obviously our initial reaction was getting upset, so we told them we didn't want anything to do with them and left

During the meeting my phone went off and I had received a text from quinton.

Quinton: Hey, I'm sorry about what I tweeted and for the hate your getting, I tried to delete it but my phone died.

I read it and almost melted. My love for him will never fade. The text had interrupted the meeting so I quickly texted him back

Cynthia: hi
Cynthia: thanks

I turned my phone off and apologized before continuing with the meeting

Back at the house:
Anthony: so what now? Do we move back into our old houses

Thomas: I'm not sure? I guess

Vinnie: let's start packing then

We spent the rest of the day packing and helping each other pack

Bryce: what if we kept the house

Anthony: what?

Bryce: if we kept it we can always come back here for parties or if we ever want to do collabs

Thomas: that's not a bad idea

Josh: so we're keeping it?

Bryce: yeah let's do it

We all agreed on keeping the house and went our separate ways

Josh and i were outside in the driveway by the car

Cynthia: so are we going to move back into our house

Josh: i guess so

Cynthia: but everyone's moving to their content houses why can't we

Josh: you already know mom and dads rules

Cynthia: yeah but not a content house and Sway is literally on the same street, plus I'd be living with the other girls

Josh took a deep breath and thought

Josh: i guess it wouldn't be so bad if I also lived in sway, I've always wanted to

Cynthia: so you let me live in a whole different house but not go on tour with Quinton?

Josh: yeah because if you were with Quinton you'd be travelling all the time. Here, I can keep an eye on you. Also I thought you wanted to move to nach why are you arguing

Cynthia: I do I do, I was just asking

Josh: do you want me to drive you to nach

Cynthia: yes please

Josh: ok

I got into josh's Tesla and he dropped me off at nach

I walked in and saw all the girls in the living room


Lauren: YESSSS!!!

Madi: oh my god really!

Cynthia: yeah josh said it's ok

We all started jumping and hugging out of excitement

I've always had a room in nach even though I didn't live there, so I set all my stuff down and went back to the living room

Eva: can we please watch anime

Devy: yes please!!

Sab: noooo let's watch kissing booth 3 it just came out

Lauren: yessss

Madi: I don't really care what we watch

Cynthia: what are you guys arguing about

Eva: dev and i want to watch anime but sab and Lauren don't want to

Cynthia: I don't really care

Anna: i guess I'm the tie breaker. Let's watch anime

Sab groaned and we all sat in the couch to watch anime

Sab: Eva and dev are obsessed with anime

She says rolling her eyes playfully

Cynthia: we've been knowing this

Everyone starts to laugh

Lauren: ok but after this episode can we watch kissing booth 3

Dev: yeah sure

We finished watching everything and i went back to my room, sab also came

We were scrolling on Insta when a post on tiktokroom came up

Tiktokroom: Quinton Griggs spotted with a girl in San Diego after recent breakup with Cynthia Parker

My eyes widened in shock and sab noticed

Sab: what is it

She grabbed my phone from me and saw the post

Sab: what a jerk

Cynthia: I knew he was going to move on but I didn't think it would be in the span on 2 days

Sab: he's an idiot and you don't need this right now

She turned my phone off and sat up

Sab: we're going to a party tomorrow

Cynthia: sab....

Sab: I know you don't want to but that's why we have to go, you have to get out of your comfort zone

Cynthia: fine, who's is it

Sab: Vinnie Hacker's, it's going to be at the hype house

Cynthia: it's been a day and since we left not a swype house and their already celebrating

Sab laughed and i did too

Sab: I guess so

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