part 7

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cynthia: did you see what ellie commented on my post

quinton: no but i'll check *checks* uhh

cynthia: she's such a bitch

quinton: don't waste your time on her, i love you and no one else

cynthia: aww bubs i love you too
*i kiss his cheek and then he kisses my lips*

cynthia: i'm gonna hang out at NACH today

quinton: i'm gonna go to the studio with jaden

cynthia: i won't see you for the entire day *pouts*

quinton: i'll call you when i get home

cynthia: ok beb

q drops me off at NACH and i kiss him goodbye

i walk inside NACH and i see madi, lauren, eva, anna, sab mads and nessa (pretend nomads and nessa are apart of nach)

cynthia: hey guysssss

NACH: hey bitchhhh

i run up to them and hug them
madi: wanna do face masks?

everyone: yuppp
-----------time skip---------
it is 8 pm and i am scrolling on tiktok when i see ellie on my for you page.
it was a video of her in the studio and i see quinton in the background. i show the girls.

Lauren: girl drop him, why is he hanging out with the girl who was literally flirting with him in YOUR comments

Mads: what the fuck? jaden never told me she was going to be there, or anyone other than quinton

i cover my face with my hands and i feel my eyes tear up, i try hiding my face so no one realizes i'm crying but the girls immediately did

Nessa: aww cynthia
*she comes over to me and hugs me and i hug her back tightly*

cynthia: should i call him and ask?

Madi: no! fuck him, sleepover here and don't see him until he brings it up, he obviously knew she was there, why would you be the one to ask him. if he really cared about your relationship, he would have left immediately or called you already telling you that she was at the studio

cynthia: the worst part is, i we were talking about her this morning and he told me to not worry about her and that he only loves me

*i burst into tears*

Eva: it's all that bitch ellie's fault, why can't she just find someone single

Madi: let's just watch a movie to get our minds off of everything

my eyes are so heavy from crying, so the light of the TV is really hurting my eyes. i decide to sleep.

1 hour later

i hear someone calling my phone and i jump up. i see and it's quinton and remember we told each other we were gonna call.
i walk towards my bedroom at NACH since we were in the living room and answer his call

quinton: hey baby
cynthia: hey
quinton: what's wrong? you don't sound the same
cynthia: i'm fine
quinton: ....
cynthia: is that what you called me for?
quinton: uhh i was just checking up on you because i miss you
cynthia: ...
quinton: hello?! cynth you don't sound good, i'm coming over
cynthia: so now i'm not good enough for you
quinton: what baby, that's not what i meant, your perfect
cynthia: not perfect enough i guess, since you were hanging out with ellie at the studio today and not with me
quinton: what?..
cynthia: wow
quinton: i'm coming over

he hangs up and i start crying really loud and the girls run up to me

Lauren: what happened cyn?
Anna: why are you crying beb?

i was trying to answer their questions but i couldn't bring myself to speak. madi comes over to me and hugs me.
a few minutes later, i hear a doorbell and nessa runs downstairs to get the door

cynthia: it- it- it's quinton

madi: oh hell naw

quinton walks into the room and madi stands in his way

quinton: move

madi: i swear to god if you hurt her

quinton walks around madi and sits on the floor with me

quinton: can we have some privacy

the girls don't move so i look up and nod. they close the door and walk downstairs

quinton: baby... *he hugs me*

i stay quiet

quinton: please talk to me, why are you crying? if this is because of ellie, i promise nothing happened.

cynthia: then why did she post a tiktok of her standing near you at the studio?

quinton: baby i promise i didn't know she was going to be there, when jaden and i arrived, she was already there and i couldn't leave because jaden worked so hard to get me in the studio

cynthia: then why couldn't you just tell me that? why did i have to find out through her tiktok and not my boyfriend

quinton: i'm so sorry baby, i didn't want to worry you because you seemed so upset when we were talking about her this morning

i stay quiet and he hugs me and doesn't release, i hug him back

cynthia: don't ever do that to me again

*q kisses my head and then picks me up and gently puts me on the bed*

quinton: i love you beb, i will never do anything to hurt you

i dig my head into his chest and out my arm around him

cynthia: i love you too

*quinton kisses my head and then eventually reaches my lips and he gently kisses me*

quinton: do you want to stay here the night?

cynthia: yes but can you stay with me

quinton: of course baby

he lays down and puts his arm over my waist and we fall asleep

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