stuck in the van

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everyone woke up during the sunrise which was at 6 am, but quinton and i usually sleep until like 10 so we hid under the blankets and slept while everyone was talking

quinton: can they shut up

cynthia: what time is it even

quinton: 6:30

cynthia: yeah why are they up

quinton: i don't know

quinton put his arm around my waist and we drifted off to sleep again for another hour until....


quinton: shut the fuck up bryce

bryce: you two have been sleeping for so long now

cynthia: why do you need us to wake up

bryce: are you forgetting why were here? the fans want to see us together

cynthia: yeah and quinton and i are sleeping TOGETHER

bryce: i bet you are

cynthia: no that's not what i mean-


josh came into the tent

josh: why haven't you guys gotten up yet

cynthia: who in the right mind wakes up at this time

josh: us

cynthia: whatever i'm already awake now

josh: we're going to mcdonald's for breakfast so get ready

cynthia: do i need to pack?

josh: yeah because the mcdonald's is on our way back home so might as well just head back

cynthia: okay

quinton shut his eyes again

cynthia: beb wake up

quinton: i'm up

everyone starts to pack up their blankets/pillow and load them in the van, once everything was packed, we drove to mcdonald's

josh: it's raining so hard i can barely see the road

bryce: maybe by the time we finish our food it will dial down a bit

josh: yeah

we pulled in the drive thru and everyone ordered. we parked and everyone ate their food as they watched the rain

josh: i just got an alert that they're closing the highway since it's too dangerous to drive right now

noah: great now we're stuck in this small creepy town

bryce: maybe we can get a hotel or something

josh: i mean yeah but i can barely see the road

bryce: true

noah: then we're stuck in the van

started talking to quinton

cynthia: what are we supposed to do in here

quinton: we can go outside and get drenched

cynthia: yeah and then come back and get the seats wet

quinton: there's nothing else to do and it's only 8 am

cynthia: maybe if somebody didn't wake us up so early, we would pass some time by sleeping!

josh: i didn't know this was going to happen!

bryce: great the siblings are fighting again

josh & cynthia: shut up

quinton: why don't we just wait it out

cynthia: ok

josh: just take a nap if you want to sleep so badly

i rolled me eyes at him and turned back to quinton

we spent an hour waiting and the rain calmed down a bit but the highway was still closed so there was no where to go. everyone took a nap

this is how quinton and cynthia looked

everyone woke up from their nap an hour later and it was sunny out

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everyone woke up from their nap an hour later and it was sunny out. i didn't open my eyes because the sun was in my face, and quinton is still asleep

josh: the weather is bipolar i swear

bryce: i'll check if the highway is open

bryce: it is let's go

everyone started cheering which woke up quinton

quinton: what's happening

cynthia: we can leave

i say as i get up from his chest

quinton: damn we passed outtt

cynthia: for real

the car drive back home was pretty calm, nothing drastic happened

i jumped on my bed when i came home, i've never missed it this much, the tent was uncomfortable and don't even get me started on the van.

quinton: cyn, josh wants to talk to you

cynthia: tell him to come in here

josh walked in and quinton left

cynthia: what's up

josh: mom called and she wants us to come home.....

cliffhanger! also has anyone seen the drama that just happened with nessa, jaden, josh and mads. reminds me of july 6th

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