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today is the first day of the lockdown and no one knows how long we will have to be at home for

bryce: this shit is wackkk, let's just go out

addison: bryce!

bryce: what are the chances we'll get it?

addison: you can't risk it

cooper: fuck covid!

quinton: yeah fuck covid!

cynthia: babe, you can't go out

quinton: nothing will happen chill

cynthia: yes it wil-..... you know what? go out. i don't care but if you get sick stay away from me

quinton: i won't get sick

cynthia: are you trying to ask for permission? because i already told you that i don't care

quinton: we're just going skateboarding

i roll my eyes and walk upstairs

i can't believe he's going out, it's the first day of lockdown and hes already not following protocol. i want to tell him to stay but i don't want to act like his mom or be a controlling bitch, so that's why i told him to go out but if he gets sick, i won't be there to take care of him

sab and addison came up to my room with me, frustrated with their boyfriends as well

sab: i don't know what their trying to prove but this isn't like them, they would do this if they weren't influenced

addison: it's because all the other influencers are going out and partying so they think it's okay

cynthia: they go out, it's their choice but if they get covid, they better not come here and spread it

sab: exactly, we shouldn't have to pay for their poor judgment

cynthia: i'm so mad at quinton right now but i didn't want him to know i was

addison: that's why i came up here, if i didn't i would probably get into another fight with bryce

cynthia: yeah, quinton and i have also been arguing a lot recently but it's just small things

addison: yea

the boys went out to skateboard and the girls just stayed home and tanned in the backyard

time skip: 1 hour into tanning

madi: i love tanning

cynthia: i can really feel the vitamin D soaking up in my skin


bryce: WERE BACK

i whispered to madi

cynthia: is it time to put on our masks?

madi: ahahahah

cynthia: i'm really hoping they didn't meet up with other people

madi: me too

quinton: hey i'm back

i continued to tan on the beach chair and said hi without looking at him

cynthia: hi

quinton: babe... are you still mad?

cynthia: i'm not mad

quinton: oh really?

cynthia: yeah

quinton: ok then

he picked me up and ran over to the pool jumping in with me


quinton started laughing and i splashed his face with water

cynthia: i wasn't even done tanning

quinton: give me a kiss

cynthia: i don't know.... do you have covid?

quinton rolled his eyes and kissed me

quinton: i'm going up to take a shower, wanna join

cynthia: your crazy

quinton got up and walked inside the house while swam for a bit

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