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two people were making out in the couch farther away from quinton

My eyes widened in shock and I gasped

Sab: what? What happened

Cynthia: I need to find josh

Vinnie: I can take you to him, I was just with him

I nodded and followed vinnie upstairs

Vinnie led me into a room where I saw josh sitting on the bed with his hands on his face

Vinnie left the room and i sat beside josh

Cynthia: josh....

Josh: you saw it too huh

Cynthia: I'm so sorry

Josh: if I knew she was going to cheat on me with jaden I wouldn't have encouraged her to go

Cynthia: it's not your fault, she made her own choice

Josh: and jaden too, he's supposed to be my best friend

I hugged josh and he placed his head on my shoulder

Cynthia: I'm so sorry

Josh: I'm sorry about Quinton too, he was with a girl

I shrugged and josh lifted his head

Josh: do you need me to drive you home?

Cynthia: no, sabs driving

Josh: was she drinking? We're you?!

Cynthia: no, we didn't. You should go home and rest, the party is basically dead now

Josh: yeah, I have to get Bryce, Anthony, and kio

Cynthia: are you sure your okay?

Josh nodded and stood up, i did too

Cynthia: I'm going to meet up with the girls, bye

Josh: bye

Josh and i went separate ways, i met up with Madi, Lauren, Eva, Dev, Sab and Mads

I heard Mads crying and i realized that jaden had cheated her too

Cynthia: I'm guessing she saw the video

Sab: I'm gonna kill cooper

Cynthia: at least we know, it's better than not knowing

Sab: yeah i guess...

I walked closer to Mads

Cynthia: Mads?

Mads looked up

Mads: yeah

Cynthia: do you want to come to nach with us? You can spend the night

Mads: yeah that would be great

She tried to smile as a tear rolled down her face

Cynthia: ok

I smiled and helped her up

As we were leaving, I overheard vinnie talking to josh and Bryce

Vinnie: so I would be joining sway?

Josh: sway gaming instead a thing since quinton, cooper and..... jaden isn't here so yeah, sway

Vinnie: I'll sign the contracts

Josh waved at me and Vinnie turned his head

Vinnie: thanks for coming

Cynthia: thanks for inviting us

We got into our cars and drove to nach

Mads: thanks again for letting me crash, I've been lonely in my apartment

Madi: would you want to join nach?

Cynthia: that's a great idea

Mads: of course!

Sab: yayyy!!!

Lauren: plus we have another room anyway you can just take that one

Mads: this is so exciting

Dev: right!

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