part 13

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i sat in the lobby trying to hide my tears from everyone until i got some news from the doctor about when i could see q, or if he had woken up yet. god i wish he wakes up.
i'm not a religious person but i prayed for q to be fine

doctor: hey cynthia, quinton has not waken up yet but some say that people in comas can hear you and usually it motivates them to wake up. if you would like to go in there and share a few words, you are free to do so.

i stood up so fast and followed the doctor to q's room. the doctor left and the room was filled with silence

cynthia: hey quinton *i start to cry* please please please wake up, i can't live without you, i love you so much and i cannot imagine a world without you. i am begging you *i start to cry harder* please try and wake up if you can. before i met you, i was at my lowest, i had just gotten out of a toxic relationship and i was struggling with my mental health. you changed that, you brought happiness into my life and i wouldn't be the same person i am right now without you. i love you so much baby, please wake up

i laid my head in his chest and tears fell down my face, i stood up and when i was about to leave, i felt quintons finger move on my palm. i immediately looked at him. he was trying to open his eyes and i screamed

cynthia: DOCTOR!! HES AWAKE!

the doctor and nurse both came running into the room, i stepped back as they were examining him

doctor: what did you do cynthia? he was not supposed to be awake until a couple more hours or even days! it's a miracle he's awake right now

i burst into tears of joy and i hug the doctor

cynthia: thank you for saving him

doctor: thank you for being so patient.

after the doctors examined him and moved out the way, i saw quintons eyes for the first time after what felt like forever. he was smiling and i ran towards him hugging him

quinton: i-i-

cynthia: shh don't try to speak, just rest for now

i sat beside his bed for about an hour and i eventually fell asleep. 2 hours have past now and i woke up and looked at q. he was already awake and staring at me

quinton: h-hi baby

a tear rolled down my face

cynthia: hi

he reached his arm out and gently started to rub my back

quinton: i heard some of what you said, i'm not sure how but i remember you talking to me

cynthia: you heard that *i say as another tear rolled down my face*

quinton smiled and wiped the tear off my face

quinton: don't cry baby, i love you so much

cynthia: please don't ever leave me again

quinton: i promise i won't

i placed my head on his chest and he played with my hair for a couple minutes until the doctor came in

doctor: hey cynthia, once you are ready, you have to come with me to take some tests because of your concussion, we also need to clean your wounds and stitches.
i nodded and i stood up looking at q one last time.

he had a very worried look on his face, i suppose it's because he didn't know i got hurt too.

i followed the doctor out the room and walked into a different room where i got hooked to a bunch of machines. we got everything done and i returned to q's room an hour later. when i walked in, i saw the sway boys as well as the nach girls in there.

quinton was the first person to notice me walking in and he gave me a worried smile.
soon after, everyone else turned

bryce: our boys a champ!

i giggled and sat on a stool next to quintons bed.

quinton: why didn't you tell me you got a concussion and that you got stitches on your stomach *he looked VERY worried*

i giggled and said

cynthia: that's nothing compared to what you gone through. plus, you were resting anyways

before quinton can say anything, anthony starts to talk

anthony: we were just talking, and for the record, if you feel uncomfortable we don't need to go along with this plan

cynthia: what is it?

anthony: well since quinton gets released tomorrow, we were planning on getting back on the road and continue driving since we are 2 hours away from home so might as well just continue.

i gave a disapproving look and quinton started to talk

quinton: baby, it's fine, i'm fine, do you really think the would release me if i wasn't?

cynthia: i just don't think it's the best idea for you to be on the road again after what happened

quinton: i will be resting my leg on the seat and i will get tons of rest like the doctor advised anddddd once we get to the cabin, i could rest some more there too

i was still worried but i couldn't argue with him, my heart melted every time i see him

cynthia: fine



anthony: SWAY SWAY

the girls just shook their heads and started laughing, i looked over at q and he was holding his stomach trying to laugh. i could tell he was in pain but it made me happy that he was happy.

hope you guys enjoyed!! don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and comment anything you want to happen next!!!

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