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josh: mom called and she wants us to come home

cynthia: for how long?

josh: i'm not sure but i don't think it's going to be a short visit by her tone

cynthia: when does she want us home

josh: sometime this week

cynthia: i want to see her and dad but we can't just up and leave

josh: yeah i know

cynthia: what are you going to do with ness

josh: probably long distance until we come back

cynthia: well cant we just bring ness and quinton with us, i'm sure mom and dad would be pleased to meet them

josh: i'm sure they would but they don't have their passports so they can probably visit once they get it

cynthia: how am i going to tell quinton? i don't even know when we'll get back

josh: longest it'll be is probably a month right? they wouldn't make us leave everyone all of a sudden

cynthia: yeah your right

josh: i've got my manager to book us a flight for tomorrow so try and pack as much as you an by tomorrow

cynthia: TOMORROW? i thought when you said sometime this week you meant in 3-6 days

josh: i'll see if he can push it an extra day, is that fine

cynthia: yeah i guess

josh left the room and quinton came back. i ran into his arms

quinton: baby what's wrong

cynthia: josh and i have to go to canada

quinton: what? for how long? and when

cynthia: i'm not sure but josh thinks a month and in like 2 days

quinton: is there a reason?

cynthia: i don't know, josh didn't say

quinton sat me down on our bed and hugged me tightly

cynthia: please get your passport and visit me

quinton: i'll go first thing tomorrow i promise

cynthia: i want to see my family but i don't want to leave you or everyone in this house

quinton: i'll visit for as long as i can once i get my passport but until then, we're gonna enjoy the next 2 days and not focus on that

cynthia: ok i'll try

quinton: what do you want to do today

cynthia: i would say lay in bed and stress about canada but you said i can't

quinton: you can lay in bed all you want, just don't be thinking about leaving

cynthia: can we watch a movie

quinton: of course

quinton and i cuddled and watched a ton of movies until it was 6 pm

cynthia: i don't think i can handle another movie

quinton: i can't either

cynthia: what do you want to do

quinton: today is dedicated to you so you pick

cynthia: i've been waiting to use the kitchen, do you want to make dinner

quinton: yeah but what are we making

cynthia: let's just see what we have

quinton: ok let's go

quinton and i went downstairs and checked the kitchen for food

cynthia: we have pasta, do you want to make that?

quinton: yeah

we started boiling the pasta and made out while we were waiting, i don't know how it started but things got pretty heated until bryce walked in


quinton: go away bryce

bryce: what... so you and cyn can continue eating each others faces?

cynthia: that's not what-....... you know what, never mind, our pasta is ready so you can have the kitchen. we're gonna eat in our room

we start walking upstairs


quinton: is there anything you don't do?....

bryce: ........ nahh

we reach our room and sit on our bed as we eat the pasta

quinton: babe, this is actually really good

cynthia: yeah, we should make dinner more often

we finished eating and laid down since we were so full

quinton: i'm so full

cynthia: me too

quinton placed his head on my chest and i started playing with his hair

cynthia: once i leave, i'm gonna call you everyday

quinton: i'm not gonna pick up

cynthia: wha-

quinton: ahahahah i'm kidding beb

cynthia: no that's fine

quinton: ahahahah

quinton hovered over me and kissed me, and i deepened it, we didn't stop and continued making out. eventually, i took his shirt off and you know what happened 😳😳

sorry for taking so long to post this, i had no motivation to write this week

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