part 14

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a day has passed and q just got discharged from the hospital. i push his wheelchair from the hospital to sab and coopers car. i still wasn't talking to josh so i asked sab if we can ride with her and coop and mads and jaden if they can ride with josh and nessa. as i was helping q into the car, i saw josh look at me and shake his head.

(i never mentioned what happened to q so here's what happened, he tore his ACL, he got a concussion from hitting his head and he got a few stitches)

quinton and i sat in the back, his head is on my lap and the rest of his body is stretched out on the seats.

when the car started, i silently started to panic, no one except q noticed, he held my hand and smiled at me which calmed me down. the first 5 minutes was rough because i kept getting flashbacks but then everything was fine.
we talked to cooper and sab for 2 hours before we got tired. i saw q's eyes closing and he fell asleep. i started playing with his hair for a couple minutes and then i fell asleep too.

we woke up 2 hours later because we came to a sudden stop, i looked around and saw that we were at a mcdonald's drive thru.

sabrina: what do you want cyn?

cynthia: i'll get a cheeseburger and sweet tea

i quietly whispered to quinton because he was sleeping

cynthia: beb what do you want from mcdonald's?

quinton: large fries and sweet tea *says in sleepy voice*

we ordered and cooper pulled into the parking lot where everyone parked near each other. cooper and sab left the car to stretch their legs and talk to others but q and i stayed in the car.

quinton: baby you should go out and stretch your legs, don't stay in here because of me
*he said as he lifted his head off my legs*

my legs were a bit numb but i wanted to stay in the car with quinton

cynthia: i don't need to stretch my legs beb, i'm fine staying here with you

quinton leaned over and kissed me, it was our first time kissing since the accident. i was about to pull away when he put his hand on my back pulling me closer to him. he kissed for a while until cooper and sab came back into the car

cooper: woah there, wait until the cabin!

sabrina: cooperrr

we pull away laugh and quinton puts his head on my shoulder gently kissing my neck. i'm very ticklish so i kept flinching and he knew that but he doesn't stop.
sabrina started to talk so quinton eventually stopped. i held his hand while his head was still on my shoulder. i decided to post on instagram


CYNTHIAPARKERRR: i love you bubs

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CYNTHIAPARKERRR: i love you bubs

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time skip: 6 hours

we reached the cabin and set our bags down, everyone chose their rooms and chilled there for a few hours. before coming to the cabin, josh told us we couldn't be in the same room but i couldn't give two fucks. i don't care what he says, i'm staying with q. we sat in our room cuddling and talking, everyone agreed no social media while we're here because we wanted to spend time together and enjoy the nature.

quinton: cynthia

cynthia: yes

quinton: what you said to me while i was in a coma keeps replaying in my head, i've been wanting to tell you this for a long time.
i can't live without you either, if anything ever happens to you, i wouldn't know what to do. i can't function without you, your presence, your beauty, your laugh and so much more that makes me fall in love with you every time i see you

i hug him and cry on his neck, he hugs me tightly kissing my head. i felt a sharp pain where i got stitches on my stomach so i flinched

quinton: i'm sorry baby, did i hurt you?

cynthia: no i'm fine, it's just my stomach.

he lifted my shirt up and revealed my stitches. i looked at him and he looked very worried.

cynthia: it's fine baby, it'll heal soon

quinton: i'm so sorry that happened to you, it's all my fault and i will never forgive myself

cynthia: what? no it's not! you didn't do anything wrong

quinton: i was speeding, none of this would have even happened if it weren't for me *he says touching around the stitches*

cynthia: the truck driver was drunk and half of their truck was on our side of the road plus josh was the reason you got mad in the first place. you are not to blame here

quinton: josh, i forgot about josh, how is he doing, is he ok

i rolled my eyes when he mentioned josh because i hate him

cynthia: he's fine!

quinton: woah there, you have to forgive him, he was just trying to protect you

cynthia: how could you say that? he's not trying to protect me, he's just trying to act tough in front of sway and nessa to prove that he can be a father figure to me since my dad wasn't really around, he didn't give two shits about me until you came and then he had some type of motive

quinton: he is a jerk but he is also your brother cynthia

cynthia: too bad, i'm not ready to forgive or speak to him.

quinton: alright then

we cuddled for a couple minutes and then fell asleep since it was 11 pm and we were hella tired.
this is what we looked like

 this is what we looked like

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