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It has been a day since we broke up and Quinton, Jaden, Nessa and Cooper left for your a couple hours ago, Quinton has said nothing to me after the breakup which tore me apart because I wanted to at least say goodbye to him before he left for 3 months. Now I am holed up in my room like a was for the past day, Sab and Madi have tried to comfort me but I just pushed them away, I just want to be left alone

I spent most of the day scrolling on instagram until I came across a post Jaden made, it was a picture of all of them on the road and Quinton was in the backseat sleeping. I know he's heartbroken now but this'll be good for him in the long run.

Sab had knocked on my door once again but this time I told her to come in

Sab: how are you doing

Cynthia: not great

Sab: do you want to talk about it?

I shook my head no and she nodded coming closer to me

Sab: let's go do something, you can't just sit in bed all day I won't let you

Cynthia: Sab... I don't want to

Sab: you can't let him ruin your life, y-

Cynthia: he didn't ruin my life, I broke up with him

Sab: but I thought-

Cynthia: I wasn't allowed to go on tour with him so I made up a lie to breakup with him because I knew he wouldn't go if I wasn't allowed

Sab: oh my god that's horrible I'm so sorry cyn

Cynthia: its not your fault you didn't know

Sab: well I'm still not letting you lay in bed all day, we're going to the carnival

Cynthia: that's just going to make everything worse, loud music and people everywhere

Sab: that is exactly what you need, to be around people and socialize

I took a deep breath then regretted what came out of my mouth next

Cynthia: fine

After getting dressed we finally made it to the car then we drove to state fair. This is what I wore

Lauren: I'm so excited!! We're finally having a girls night

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Lauren: I'm so excited!! We're finally having a girls night

Madi: me too, we haven't done this in forever

Cynthia: I'm glad I have you guys, thank you for doing this for me

Sab: of course! And we want to be here we're not doing it for you

We all laughed and bought tickets for the rides

Madi: oooo can we go on this one!

Lauren: oh my god yes! I love the swings

Lauren and Madi sat together in front of Sab and I. While we were on the swings Sab made a tiktok of us screaming our asses off

Once we were done with the fair we decided to get a hotel near by since the drive back was half an hour and all of us were tired


we ran to the hotel and got a room for all of us to share. There were two beds so Sab and I shared one, Madi and Lauren shared the other.

We were all sitting in bed when my phone started going off

Cynthia: what the hell

I turned my phone off and realized that I had been tagged in a post by tiktokroom

It was the post that Sab made and something quinton tweeted

QuintonGriggs: "I guess some people move on faster than others, no wonder why you ended things out of nowhere"

My heart sank, i was too busy trying to distract myself that I hadn't noticed what quinton would think

Madi grabbed my phone from me and looked at the post

Madi: what the fuck

Cynthia: it's my fault, I shouldn't have gone out

Madi: you are not blaming yourself for this! Quinton is immature for tweeting that instead of just talking to you, and he had no right to bash you for not sitting in your room all day crying over him

Lauren saw the post too and started yelling

Lauren: some people cope differently, he can't expect you to feel the same way he does, and the fact that he is making trying to make it seem like you ended things with him just to have fun without him is absolutely ridiculous

Sab: exactly, you told him that you wanted to find happiness within yourself and he's trying to make it out as a bad thing

Cynthia: guys it's okay, he's probably not thinking straight

Madi: CYNTHIA, listen to me, don't let this be the reason you fall back into your depressed state, quinton is an amazing guy we all know that and he probably was just mad but you can't keep on blaming yourself.

Cynthia: your right, I'm not gonna let it get to me and I don't care if he's bringing it onto social media or blaming me because that's the entire reason i broke up with him, so he would leave without blaming himself. I'm glad he's doing this but I'm also glad that I am stepping away from the relationship to focus on myself

Lauren: YESS let him post whatever he wants it's just his way of coping even though it's childish, don't let it get to you

Sab: I may have tweeted something out of anger

Cynthia: what?

Sabquesada: subtweeting really?

(subtweeting = tweeting something about someone but not directly saying it to them)

I checked Twitter to see what Sab had tweeted and it wasn't as bad as I thought but it is definitely going to end up on tiktokroom

After an hour of us talking tiktokroom had obviously posted everything and tons of quintons fans were coming for me but i just shut my phone off

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