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it's been a week since we've been here now, trey hasn't really come over since the other day and caden has been coming here alone. quinton and i are sitting in his bed right now

cynthia: beb i'm gonna shower i'll be back in like 20

quinton: i'll come with

cynthia: baby, your parents

quinton: they aren't home right now

cynthia: fine

we go into the shower together and quintons eyes don't move from my body

cynthia: hey! eyes up here

quinton leans in and kisses me, his hands move down my ass and we continue kissing passionately. he picks me up and puts me against the wall as the water rushes down our bodies. after making out, we actually take a shower. once we finished, i wrapped a towel around me and he did the same. we got out of the shower and we're walking into his room when we saw his mom coming towards us

crystal: did you two-... you know what, never mind. get changed and we will continue this conversation once the two of you are fully dressed

quinton and i nodded and went into his room, i was so panicked, i forgot to go into my room

cynthia: oh my god, oh my god, oh my god what just happened

quinton: it's fine, she'll probably just give us the talk or something

cynthia: i thought you said they weren't home

quinton: they weren't but i guess they're back

cynthia: i don't even have clothes, i came in here and i can't go back out there

quinton: stop panicking, just take some of my clothes

cynthia: ok

i removed the towel and wore his sweatpants and a hoodie of his, i caught him staring at me

cynthia: quinton!

quinton: sorry

i laughed and we both finished getting dressed

quinton: ready?

cynthia: mhm

he walked closer to me and kissed me passionately

cynthia: what was that for

quinton: i don't know when i'll get to do that again

cynthia: come on, let's go

we held hands as we walked down the stairs and into the living room where we saw crystal sitting down with john. quinton and i sat beside each other and he put his arm around me

crystal: so, first up if what i just saw is happening often, i need to make sure you two are using protection

quinton: mommm

crystal: shush quinton i'm not done. i've tried to prevent this from happening but you guys are teenagers and stuff like this will happen but try being more secretive at least, come on guys back in the day kids would try hiding stuff like this

quinton: we thought you guys weren't home

crystal: i would also like to add that you guys can share a room until you return to LA, i don't want you guys to think this is some sort of prison. just don't be too loud if your gonna..

quinton: ok we're leaving

quinton held my hand and walked away


we went up to quintons room and sat on his bed

cynthia: well that was awkward

quinton: but at least we can sleep together now

cynthia: they'll never look at us the same way

quinton: ahahaha

sorry this part is short, i don't really know what to write

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