part 24

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recap: i see ellie grinding on his leg

quinton: wha-

i hang up and put my phone down beside me, i can't stop shaking, i feel like i want to cry but i'm also mad. i keep thinking about quinton and why he would cheat on me, i think about earlier today and how he told me he never wants to lose me but let's ellie grind on him? what is going on? is he playing me? is this a joke? i feel tears rushing down my face and i run to the bathroom, i put my hand over the sink and look at myself in the mirror. i can't move but i'm shaking thinking about quinton and ellie being together. knowing ellie, she did this to make me jealous but why would quinton let it happen? it's not like he was sleeping, he was wide awake too. i sat on the bathroom floor with my face covered in my hands crying until i see my phone ringing, i wipe the tears off my face and pick up


cynthia: what *i say as my voice shakes*

bryce: it's going to be in my youtube video tomorrow!

cynthia: but-

bryce: cynthia! lover boy wants to talk to you

i was so sick and tired of bryces jokes, even if this was a prank, why would quinton go through with it?

quinton: baby?!

cynthia: ...

quinton: bryce is such a fucking asshole, he pranked the both of us

cynthia: the both of us? it seemed like i was the one getting pranked because you were well aware of the situation *i try to hold back my tears as i'm talking*

quinton: no cyn, i'll explain everything once i pick you up

cynthia: don't bother

i hang up the phone and stand up grabbing a tissue and wiping my tears away

sabrina: cynth, are you in there?

cynthia: uh, yeah

sabrina: babe, i heard you crying what's wrong?

i start to cry more, i don't know why though, i know it's a prank but i have so many questions

cynthia: bryce.... he-he pranked me

sabrina: please unlock the door

i unlocked the door and sab immediately pulled me into a hug

sabrina: come sit down

we walked towards the lounge area and sat down

cynthia: bryce pranked me by facetiming me, when i picked up, he flipped the camera and i saw ellie grinding or lap dancing i don't even know on quinton

sabrina: and quinton just let that happen?

cynthia: that's what i'm saying, he looked confused when bryce flipped the camera on him but he was just sitting there not moving

sabrina: how long was that bitch on him

cynthia: i don't know? like a second or so, i didn't want to see any more so i hung up

sabrina hugged me tightly

cynthia: he said he will explain everything to me once he picks me up but i told him not to bother

sabrina: i can drive you home

cynthia: thanks sab

i sat in sabrinas car anxiously, what was quinton going to say to me? did ellie get on him without him knowing? did bryce and her make a plan? whatever happened, i just know for a fact that there is going to be drama once we get home.

15 minutes later

we reach the house and sab and i stay in the car before going in so i can prepare myself but before i knew it, quinton came running out the front door.

quinton: thank god your safe

he pulls me out of the car and hugs me

i stay silent and he holds my hand

quinton: i'll explain everything when we get inside

cynthia: but-

he starts walking so i continue to say quiet. when we walk into the house bryce yells


quinton doesn't stop, he continues to walk to our room upstairs and when we get there, he closes the door and locks it. i stood there waiting for him to speak and did

quinton looks at me for a couple seconds

quinton: we're you crying

cynthia: quinton...

quinton: ok ok i'm sorry, i'll start. i was in our room when bryce told me to film with him, i agreed since i was bored and he blind folded me. he sat me down in the couch and told me you came home early and he wanted to do a quinthia youtube video, then ellie came out of no where without me knowing and sat on my lap. bryce told me to remove my blindfold and that's when he called you

cynthia: so... you didn't chea-

quinton: no! i would never do that

cynthia: i'm sorry for thinking that

quinton: don't blame yourself, i would have reacted the same way

quinton walks closer to me and kisses my forehead, i wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly and he hugs me back. i start talking while we are hugging

cynthia: what's gonna happen with ellie

quinton: it's hard to kick people out especially since she signed a contract. i guess we're stuck with her

cynthia: our management is so fucked up

quinton: for real

quinton and i watched a movie in our room and cuddled then took a nap.

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