quintons birthday!

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i woke up in quintons arms and kissed him, he started to slowly open his eyes

cynthia: happy birthday baby

i climbed on top of him and hugged him

quinton: thanks baby girl

cynthia: come on get ready! we have a big day ahead of us

quinton: what do you mean? what's happening

cynthia: first, your going to the studio with jaden since you love singing and then we're going to saddle ranch. once we come back we're gonna chill for a bit and then have a small party at our house

quinton: that is a big day indeed! and you planned this all on your own?

cynthia: yes, oh and with the help of some of the people at the house!

quinton: you didn't have to do that

he kisses me and starts cuddling with me

cynthia: i want to

quinton continues to kiss me

cynthia: it's 10 and you have to be at the studio by 12 so what do you want to do until then?

quinton: i want to do anything that involves you being there

cynthia: aww, do you want to grab breakfast from ihop

quinton: PANCAKES

i start laughing and get out of bed to get ready. i wore this

we arrive at ihop and order pancakes

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we arrive at ihop and order pancakes

quinton: thank you baby i love you so much

cynthia: of course! had to make your first birthday with me the best

quinton and i start to laugh and eat pancakes

cynthia: jaden just called me, he said he's ready to go to the studio

quinton: ok let's go

we went back to the house and quinton kissed me goodbye as he left with jaden

i don't know what to do so i decide to get ready right now cuz it's going to take me like an hour to do my makeup and like 15 min to find and outfit then an hour to set up my ring light to film tiktoks. by then they will be back and we'll leave for saddle ranch

i did my makeup and wore this

i did my makeup and wore this

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